Question to people who use or have used Zumba



  • ginny1214
    First of all, Zumba is amazing! I love my instructor, have tried two other at the gym, and she is my fave. I go and work my tail off for an hour and I'm pouring with sweat.
    Now onto the you don't feel comfortable in front of this because of your weight? I just want to tell you at golds where I go, I have women over 60 modifying it for themselves, I have a woman in a walker, I have a few girls that are well over 300 lbs! And everyone gets in there and shakes it!! Don't feel self conscious, Zumba is like no other exercise class :)
    A gimmick?! Wow... those people either haven't attended a class or their teacher is ****.

    I go to 5 Zumba classes a week (2 regular, 2 toning, 1 aqua) and I burn anywhere from 200-500+ calories based on the one I'm doing. Oh, and I'm toning up, sweating buckets, making friends, shaking my booty, and having a blast doing it!

    Like someone said, check out a YouTube video or five and if you like them, definitely attend a live class if you can. My teacher also offers two Zumbatomics classes: one for 5-9 year olds and one for 10-12 year olds, and one of my classmates brings her son along in addition to Zumbatomics. Your daughter might actually enjoy doing it, if she's old enough to, of course.

    I think these people who have labelled it a gimmick probably havent given it a real go ,,,, joining a class would be great im not really confidnet enough yet to excercise infront of people but im hoping with a bit more time that will change my daughter is still only a bub 9 months but my sons are 3 and 7 it would be great to be able to take them along and something im very keen to look into being in a bit of country area though im not sure it will be around but i will deff try and seek it out ,,, thanks for your response :)
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Like everyone else who has replied, I love Zumba! I'm actually an instructor and also attend the classes of other instructors. I have the newest DVD set, but have not had time to try it out yet. I also prefer the live classes, because you can feed off the energy of the instructor and other people :)
    Whenever you are ready for a live class, I suggest going to and click on the "find a class" tab on the top. Zumba instructors can post the times & locations of their classes. Sometimes people in more rural areas don't teach through a gym, so the website is a great way to find out about these classes. Good luck!
  • teatime4me
    I am new to Zumba and have lost weight, toned up, but more importantly I have gained energy. I have had four different instructors and I love two of them. I sweat buckets and have so much fun. However, two of the instructors are not very good. If you have several instructors in your area I would at least try out all that I could. If I hadn't I might have quit because of the other two. I have never tried zumba at home with a dvd.

    Once you start going you really lose that self consciousness and shake in ways you never dreamed you would. I estimate that I burn around 300 to 350 calories per hour.

    It really is the best workout for me because I love to go. I am now up to 4 days a week.

    Good Luck!
  • paul121703lilly
    a few months ago I was doing Zumba 3-4 times a week and saw great results! I was dedicated to it and my waist slimmed down so much... I am so happy I came across this because I have been slacking on it so much... I am going to start up my routines again starting tonight! Thanks for the post!

    btw its so much fun and I learned some steps so while I am dancing to spanish music I have new steps in salsa and merengue..

    Good luck and I know you will like it, I recommend it to everyone!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I started Zumba in November last year- in March became a licensed instructor, I now teach Zumba, Zumba Gold and Aqua Zumba- oh and I have lost 70 lbs in the last year- 50 because of Zumba!
    Try it you will be amazed how fun it is and you burn mega calories, sweat like a maniac and learn dance moves too! I am new to Fitness Pal but looking forward to the challenge of holding myself more accountable- especially as I hit plateaus! Still a ways to go- this should help
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I am highly uncoordinated. A drunk, blind, stoned, ape would do better @ Zumba than I did. I attended one @ my YMCA. 30 or so people, only 3 guys rest were girls. I made the mistake of raising my hand to ask questions and then being brought infront of the class. I think I burned more calories out of turning red w/embarassment above all else. :embarassed: I did my first 5K over the weekend and I found Zumba more difficult than the 5K.

    Nevertheless I had fun and will be going again next week! :smile:
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    That is awesome!!! Good for you to push past it- your insructor shouldn't have singled your out that way- I never do that- if they are in the back its their own reason- they will move forward when they are ready. But yes, mostly women although our male population is growing! Love it!! :)
  • connell1981
    I highly encourge you to try a live Zumba class. I lost 80 pounds over the course of two years and continue to dance today. I love the exercise so much that I decided to become a licensed instructor :tongue: A person can individually burn anywhere from 600 - 1000 calories participating in a class. Checkout to find an approximate calorie count for you.

    Go for it girl!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Thx Connell for sharing your story!! I would come jam with you except other side of the country........ but with ya in Zumba thoughts!!! Rock it!! :)
    I love when people say "oh its a gimmick"- try it, try a live 1 hr class, and double p.s.s.s.s. all- if you have bad knees, hips or any other injury that limits your ability to work at the same level in class as other participants, listen to your body but there are programs for everyone. Zumba Gold is amazing that way, and so is Aqua Zumba- you will see results, just less impact on your joints! :)
  • connell1981
    Thx Connell for sharing your story!! I would come jam with you except other side of the country........ but with ya in Zumba thoughts!!! Rock it!! :)
    I love when people say "oh its a gimmick"- try it, try a live 1 hr class, and double p.s.s.s.s. all- if you have bad knees, hips or any other injury that limits your ability to work at the same level in class as other participants, listen to your body but there are programs for everyone. Zumba Gold is amazing that way, and so is Aqua Zumba- you will see results, just less impact on your joints! :)

    Agree with my friend here.... I am a licensed Zumb Gold instructor and the routines are much less intense on the knees/joints. Take it slow and easy if you have joint issues... you can get as much a workout on the low-side.
  • connell1981
    I started Zumba in November last year- in March became a licensed instructor, I now teach Zumba, Zumba Gold and Aqua Zumba- oh and I have lost 70 lbs in the last year- 50 because of Zumba!
    Try it you will be amazed how fun it is and you burn mega calories, sweat like a maniac and learn dance moves too! I am new to Fitness Pal but looking forward to the challenge of holding myself more accountable- especially as I hit plateaus! Still a ways to go- this should help

    LOL ~ you and I are speaking the same lingo here! Congrats to you and sharing your story! Zumba hugs to you! :happy:
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    The universal ZIN language............ you know the one, you hear someone talking in a public place about Zumba- your head turns- all other thoughts gone........ someone is talking about Zumba!!

    I joke all the time " Yes I am a Zumbaholic, admitting you are an addict is step one, step 2, more Zumba- there is no cure, and we don't want one!"
  • paul121703lilly
    The universal ZIN language............ you know the one, you hear someone talking in a public place about Zumba- your head turns- all other thoughts gone........ someone is talking about Zumba!!

    I joke all the time " Yes I am a Zumbaholic, admitting you are an addict is step one, step 2, more Zumba- there is no cure, and we don't want one!"

    HA!!!! I always seem to hear when anyone is talking about Zumba too even if they are 20 feet away LOL
  • connell1981
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I know!!! :)
    Thats ok, taking a day off- just got my MegaMix DVD- so day off from teaching-not really day we ever stop........sure, when we are sleeping!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    The universal ZIN language............ you know the one, you hear someone talking in a public place about Zumba- your head turns- all other thoughts gone........ someone is talking about Zumba!!

    I joke all the time " Yes I am a Zumbaholic, admitting you are an addict is step one, step 2, more Zumba- there is no cure, and we don't want one!"

    HA!!!! I always seem to hear when anyone is talking about Zumba too even if they are 20 feet away LOL
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    How far away are you from Havelock, NC? We just had a ZIN from New Mexico move there- I can email you her info if you want to provide your email- she is amazing, a great friend and mentor and supports everyone-serious ZIN love going on-we miss her!