addicted to cottage cheese



  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    Can you imagine how many mothers across America are waking up this morning thinking “if only my kid was addicted to cottage cheese instead …..”
    Live it up! Have a shot for breakfast with your coffee. It’s good for you.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    First, I will start out that I am having normal meals. Weighing what I eat and watching my macros.

    However, I am completely craving cottage cheese now. It has become my go to snack if it fits my requirements. Usually having 2 or more cup of it a day. Anyone else having something like this? Could it be that I'm missing some nutrient that the cottage cheese is filling?

    This happened to me as well! I found that once I increased my protein that the cravings subsided. :)

    I know this is a zombie thread but I really wanna know if the poster increased their protein with cottage cheese. 😁
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Have to add cottage cheese to my grocery list next time. I haven't had any in a long time and love the non-fat with a little bit of pineapple thrown in.
    But yeh, the salt. :/
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    Cottage cheese is one of my go to foods as well.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    edited July 2022
    If you gotta be addicted, what a good thing to be addicted to!
    I was addicted to Coke. Coca-cola, that is. Not nearly so good, but probably still better than the other coke. Lots and lots of us would trade.
    If you have a good addiction, enjoy it! Happy health! 😊😊😊
  • Dreamroper
    Dreamroper Posts: 39 Member
    Better than being addicted to cake and pie like I am...
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    If you gotta be addicted, what a good thing to be addicted to!
    I was addicted to Coke. Coca-cola, that is. Not nearly so good, but probably still better than the other coke. Lots and lots of us would trade.
    If you have a good addiction, enjoy it! Happy health! 😊😊😊

    I spent way too many years drinking Diet Coke, and this was after I drank Tab for too many years. For some reason, as tempted as I've been when I want to grab a soda, I still haven't. And hubby goes through 6 packs all the time. :( It's nothing for us to stock up with 12-15 6 packs of 20 ounce bottles, when it's on sale. :( I don't like having it available but it's his thing now, not mine.
    I wish I could use the resistance when it comes to sweets. :/
  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    edited July 2022
    @ReenieHJ I used to love TAB!! And then it was diet pepsi. I think I actually liked the taste of artificial sweetners. Now I can’t stand the taste of any sodas. Once I stopped drinking them for a while my tastes changed. The same thing seems to have happened with other things that I used to like when I was a teenager but happily grew out of. Like Doritos … I used to be able to wolf down a whole bag of them. Now the thought of the orange powder makes my stomach turn. Same thing for anything overly sweet. I used to be able to eat sugary milk chocolate bars and cookies and pastries but now it is like I can feel the grease and milk fats on my tongue and it makes me ill. (Sorry if I am upsetting anyone by dissing their favorite treats - I used to like them too). I chalk it up to distance. Its like having a bad boyfriend. When you are in the terrible relationship you can’t get enough of the drama and keep going back for more heartache. With a bit of distance you see how unhealthy it is for you and you don’t crave it anymore.

    In truth, I think you just break the craving for whatever chemical addiction it is the big food companies have found they can manipulate in us be it fat, salt, sugar, or all three at once in amped up quantities, and then when you get a full hit of it later after being away from it, it tastes gross.

    BTW its ok to take a zombie thread rogue, right? :wink:
  • Cathleen669
    Cathleen669 Posts: 6 Member
    I could never get into this food item. As a child it was often the most horrifying thing to find on my plate. What do I do with that??

    We used to hate it too when we were kids, but then my mom put peaches on it or pineapple and then we would eat it. :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Cottage cheese, sour cream, and peaches used to be a thing with my mother.

    For me, these days, it's definitely cottage cheese/0% greek yogurt/protein powder/a little bit of bran cereal :)

    I actually really like pineapple and ricotta cheese together tho.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I was eating cottage cheese with chives every day for lunch and then a fellow MFPer pointed out the sodium and I started eating it once a week. My weight has been better. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m still new to this. Former Diet Pepsi addict here too, now I can’t stand the stuff!