Heck Ya!!!, 50 pounds Down and I am going for more

I am so respect myself so much , I did not know that I could go this far,Now I can Sleep and i have more Energy .

I remember When I was 17 or 19 yrs old, I was on the best shape of my life, I Played basketball everyday and I was going to the GYM twice per day, I said to myself Oh Boy!! those day are over, By Using lots of Excuses I forgot about my body, I star getting fat At 23 yrs old little by little , pound after pound, I when to eat at buffets and I said well I am not to fat, look at the person is Next to you, you look great compare to them, Who I was comparing to? the guy that can hardly walk? the guy that he is so out a shape that needs to carry his oxygen Tank with him?.

Last year on September I touch Bottom, I was not able to breath, I was to fat, I was always tired, I almost Die because I was not able to breath and almost did not make it to the hospital, I almost pass out several times at nights and my body yelling aloud , please please do something!!!! Don't you see your body can do it any more, your mind, your heart ?

On Sep 7 2010 I made a commitment to get in shape, trust my body and have a great relationship with my family friends and love ones I figured if I want it to spend more quality time with them and live a long life I need it to change, Here I am 50 minus and I am going for more. I am at 244 pounds last year this time I weight Over 295 pounds , and Yes you can too!!!


  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    Awesome sir, great attitude.
  • me1howard
    me1howard Posts: 45 Member
    So proud of you!!! Tell me what it feels like to have been so successful? You are awesome!!!!!!!!
  • lilbit3359
    great job.. i like you found myself needing to lose many pounds to hopefully get body to feel better ..so this year began eatting better and working a mild slow paced workout program.. and as of today have lost 52 pounds.. I am feeling better .. not perfect but better.. and the body pains have reduced some. other health issues are also better than when i was 195 pounds.. i am currently 142.2 and not done yet.. I plan to get another 30 off.. so again great job and keep it up. You can defenitly do it.
  • lukesmama
    lukesmama Posts: 30 Member
    It is amazing how we can rationalize the extra weight. Good for you for opening your eyes to it and doing something about it. Awesome work so far :)
  • Tomleal
    Tomleal Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you ,

    "It's your attitude not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude in life. ..."
    "no es tu aptitud,si no tu actitud lo que determina tu Altura"
    Brian Tracy
  • Tomleal
    Tomleal Posts: 6 Member
    The only thing is on my mind is .........where was I ?
  • Tomleal
    Tomleal Posts: 6 Member
    The only thing is on my mind is .........where was I ?
  • Tomleal
    Tomleal Posts: 6 Member
    keep going my friend , And yes is possible...
  • Tomleal
    Tomleal Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, not only your eyes are open but others see you the way you should be :)