Emotional Eating - please suggest other ways we can comfort ourselves!

For me, there is nothing more soothing, calming, and cozy than having a lot of tasty food. I usually go to the local Japanese restaurant and get a drink, ice cream, a side or 2, and 2 main dishes when I am feeling lonely. I don't have friends or family, and I don't know how else to feel good other than eating anything I want, whenever I want, however much I want. But I know that this isn't good for my health long term and I want to try to make a change. I was wondering if you guys here could suggest any other ways to comfort ourselves besides eating too much.


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    I've always said that the best diet is a really good therapist.
  • Ineedtolose50lbs
    Ineedtolose50lbs Posts: 17 Member
    Write in a journal, take a warm bath, give yourself a mani/pedi… self care!

    Try to find lower calorie food like soup with a lot of veggies to fill you up and make you feel full.

    Set a goal to go out and meet new people: take a class, attend a local event, invite someone to join you.