Earn calories for strength training???

question...why don't you earn calories back for strength workouts? ?? whats the purpose of counting all the reps and lb's if you dont earn anything?
I incorporate both strength and cardio and keep track of all of my strength machine workouts and reps and stuff- and just logged them in for the first time...thinking it would calculate calories burned? but it doesn't...sooo what does it count as? what is the point of logging it? Confused.


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I believe there are strength training entries under the cardio section. The problem is that there are lots of variables that would play into how many calories strength training would burn. So, you can record the exercise without those calories entered or you can use the cardio strength training entires if you're ok with MFP guessing.
  • mutzzy
    I feel the same. I just started. I also do strength training with my cardio- so I know I am burning calories. Curious what others suggest...

    Maybe record your workout as interval training under cardio?
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    Hey Jess, I wear my HRM and log it as "lifting weights at the RWC" under the cardio section. I feel like I earned those burned cals, lol! But, yes, I am curious to see if I am "cheating" or not! lol
  • Jrab6486
    I have a HRM as well...but I didn't use it for the strength parts because i thought MFP calculated it lol..WHOOPS.