I'm new here

Hello, I am new here. My name is Victoria and I live on the east coast of the US. I've been on a health journey for nearly 10 years and my biggest struggles are with diet and exercise. I've done (what seems like) countless elimination diets (to find foods best for my autoimmune condition) and when I do, I am all in on these. Usually, I feel better and lose weight but get overwhelmed with being "perfect" in my choices. It isn't sustainable for me. It can also be isolating. When I am on such a strict diet, it's hard to be social, go out with friends, etc. I realize this isn't a discussion of my issues rather, it's a discussion of health. So, I am here hoping to find a place I can share successes and find some accountability. I suppose this means also sharing my missteps and poor choices. I had lost over 30 lbs as of April 2021 and gained back 20 of them. While I was barely eating anything then, my goal is to lose about 10-15 lbs which is where I should be for my height and build. Oh, I also don't exercise. I've felt so awful over the years that I have given up. It's a time thing (well, that is one excuse) and I get started, go for it then stop. A dead stop. I am either all-in or all-out. That's how I roll. There isn't much in between that for me. Food choices - I am all-in 100% or on a free-fall.
I (mostly) know what I need to do, but I just can't seem to get there. I just turned 49 and would like to make some solid changes before I turn 50. If you made it this far, thank you and I am open to thoughts, etc.
To begin, my goals are to reduce my sugar intake, increase my fiber and maintain GF/DF to help my gut.


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Hi! I understand the all or none thing. I have a similar issue in that I find it hard to focus on multiple things. For example, I can be focused on losing weight or focused on making extra money or focused on spending more quality time w/ Family. Often if I work at one, the others get ignored. Finding balance is hard.

    I am trying to get better at this by planning and budgeting my time. It is a work in progress. Personally counting my calories and eating at a certain level is not hard when I put the effort to planning while exercise is a bigger struggle for me. Instead of focusing on 'exercise' I try to keep my overall activity level up. Being moving more means I burn more calories. As I have a desk job I simply don't have a high total daily energy expenditure if I don't make an effort to move more.

    My general motto is 'Progress rather than perfection'. Perhaps you could work on adopting that for yourself?

    Some things I am currently doing:

    Couch to 5k 'training' - this is a 35 minute or so 'program' 3 times a week. Alternates short stints of walking/running - and the idea is over 8-10 weeks, to increase the amount of running. The nice thing is you can fully customize it. Saturday/Monday/Wednesday I do a session. Yesterday was week 2, day 2. My intervals were running (treadmill 4.7 mph, I'm not fast) for 90 seconds followed by walking (3.7 mph) 90 seconds. Repeated for 10 intervals, with walking before & after a few minutes.

    There is a nice park on my way to work, and starting yesterday I am stopping there to walk for 20-30 minutes in the morning before my workday starts. It is cool enough around 7am that I can get away with this.

    I have a desk riser at work so I can convert my desk to a 'standup' desk. And an under desk treadmill - I spend 30-45 minutes each afternoon walking at around 2.0 mph while working on spreadsheets. It is really not exercise, but it is more activity that sitting at my desk.

    I do try to factor in body weight exercises like squats, some simple arm work, etc. a few times a week. Honestly I actually manage it about once a week.

    I'm 47, 5'5" and right now about 150. Heading for 130. I'm also on the east cost - in GA. For the most part I'm eating 1400-1600 daily. I need to make an effort to consume more fruits and vegetables. That may be a priority starting next week!
  • Valentina_99v
    Valentina_99v Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome Victoria!

    Thank you for your post! I am also new here, well back again after a few years off lol. Cutting out sugar seems like a great starting point. I should probably do the same but I’m firstly focusing on just reducing the amount of food I consume. There’s a lot of mindless eating going on with me lol. If you would like an accountability buddy I’m happy to help :-)

    Have an awesome day!