8 glasses of good old H2O

I was just wondering what exactly is 8 glasses on this fitness site? Usually a glass is like 240 ml. So, our goal is to be drinking 1.92L?
Just confirming....I don't drink 2 L of water a day, any tricks?


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Other liquids are largely ok too, as long as they're reasonably healthy and not jammed with calories.

    However, I don't find it hard to drink a lot more than 2l water a day. At home I keep a glass by the sink in the kitchen, and just fill it and drink it whenever I go past. At work, I keep a 2l bottle on my desk and drink my way through it during the course of the day. If I feel thirsty, or even a bit peckish, the first thing I do is drink some water. If the thirst doesn't go, I might have something else (typically a nice cup of tea.... )

    And yes, a glass is 250ml.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Yup... A glass is 8 ounces, about 240ml.

    I have the worse time getting through 8 glasses a day. I just tried Mio in Fruit Punch flavor. I LOVE IT. I drank 9 glasses of water when normally I struggle through 4 or 5. I also drink Green Tea too. Drinking warm beverages makes me less hungry. I usually don't count that in my water, though. I know some people do. It's your choice.
  • fitgrandmajo
    fitgrandmajo Posts: 6 Member
    A friend taught me this trick and it helps a lot. I use a 24 oz water bottle. Each day I put 5 rubberbands on it. As I finish the bottle of water I remove one rubberband and refill. After removing all 5, I have gotten my 120 ozs of water for the day. Try it. :)
  • glynissharpe
    glynissharpe Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, that's one I'll try!!