Newbie here 🙋‍♀️

Hello everyone!! I am new to this platform. However, last year I lost 30 pounds doing Keto, only to gain it all back plus some..ugh. Now trying to do it a more healthy way. But I am struggling!! I am exercising 6 times a week, mostly cardio and strength training. Still watching carbs and eating 1000-1200 calories a day. And I am just not seeing results. Should I quit counting carbs maybe? Please help….feeling frustrated!


  • dcatteberry2409
    dcatteberry2409 Posts: 5 Member
    So, I’ve heard if you don’t eat enough calories u won’t lose. Not sure how true it is. I personally am doing 1200 & exercising mostly cardio and some strength . Only on day 4 here!
  • BecomeAnAnimal
    BecomeAnAnimal Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! It takes time. How long have you been using MFP? Maybe your calorie count is too low right from the start.
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    I've been using mfp for 10 years.
    If you're eating 1200 when you would normally eatore and also exercising it will come off, the body has to use the fat on your body already their first.
    I also did keto for a while and how doing low carb(doing keto has made it easy to do).
    It would help to know how you was doing your keto,I realised I was doing it wrong but eating way to much fat and found it was complex to get it done correctly.
    I recently had a hypertensive crisis which in hand i found out from I have prediabetes.
    So I'm now eating much lower between 1200 to 1500.
    People keep using the word diet, but stop what they've been doing and seem confused because they've regained everything.
    This will always happen untill it's realised that we all have to find something that works for us best and it is going to be our life from that point on.
    This is my life now, it has to be and it's do able for me.
    I have to our my life will end in a wheelchair or dead.
    And I'm not being drematic .
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    "1000-1200 calories a day"

    No wonder you are struggling!
    Perhaps if you picked a far more reasonable eating goal you wouldn't make the process so hard?
    Doesn't it strike you as concerning that this site will not give you a goal below 1200cals per day plus exercise calories but you are choosing to significantly undercut that?

    I've no idea what benefit "watching carbs" is giving you so maybe expand?
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited August 2022
    I see that you’re a new member. Welcome!

    Did you just start back attempting to lose weight? How long ago did you start exercising 6X a week?

    The temptation is to start and hammer at it, in hopes of quick results. Bad plan, as you’ve already found.

    Are you sore ? Experiencing DOMS (for me, usually manifests as walking like a careful duck)?

    Sore muscles = Temporary water weight gain, as your (very wise and intuitive) body retains water to heal that soreness.

    If I haven’t squatted in a while, I can easily gain five or six pounds a day or two later if DOMS kicks in. It flushes out when the soreness recedes.

    If you’re doing that level of workout, 1000-1200 calories a day is inadequate. Your body is akin to a machine. Simply put, it needs fuel to operate, and without necessary calories will operate in subprime capacity until it just runs out of gas.

    I’m 5’7” and started at age 56. At no point did I ever eat less than 1470, and that was only for a month or two until my dietician chewed (ha!) me out. Within four months I was up and then up again to 1900, and ultimately 2100 at the recommendation of my trainer. At that time I was working out at about your level.

    Even eating that much, I still lost 80 in my first year.

    After losing a lot, and becoming enamored of the joy of movement, I upped my movement game considerably. I now try to average 3000-3200/day. Some days will be 2300, some will be 4,000+, yet I maintain fairly easily, by paying attention.

    It’s a myth that you have to starve your body into submission, and can in fact be dangerous. Undereating causes your body to start cannibalizing muscle to continue to operate. Not only does this leave you (assuming you make it to goal, which most under-eaters don’t) with the dreaded “skinny fat”, stop and consider what the largest muscle in your body is. It’s your heart.

    Undereating can cause heart damage.

    So do yourself and your body a favor and go slower, with more calories, and learn new sustainable habits. Otherwise you’ve beaten yourself into submission and endured gnawing hunger, only to lose some weight, revert to old habits, and see it pile on again.

    You only have to look at the “I’m back again” posts to see that this is the yoyo cycle people find themselves in. Learn from those who went before you.
  • Mikeruns2021donotaddme
    I’m not an expert on weight loss but have lost 80 pounds once in my life and kept it off. I think your not eating enough and so your body is not burning calories like it should. I know others have mentioned similar things and think you should evaluate your nutrition plan.