Very Overweight- Do I need to do cardio?

I'm about 120 lbs overweight. I'm lucky that there's a gym just down the street from my office, so I go there every weekday to workout on my lunch break. I also try to get in another workout during the weekend.

So far I've been doing 3 days of weight training, and 3 days of cardio. But lately I've been reading a lot of articles/books/posts reccomending less cardio and more weigh training, some even reccomending no cardio at all.

What I'm wondering is, since I'm so overweight, could I do just weight training and see weight loss results, or do I need the cardio to burn the fat better?

Thank you for any advice you can give.



  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    IMO I think you are good doing both, the cardio will help with endurance and burn calories and the weight training will help tone and build lean muscle which will help burning fat.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    You should get some varying opinions on this. Most of what I've read recommends doing both. Right now I'm only doing cardio.
  • jtbaddison
    jtbaddison Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with Jrich. Sounds like you have a GOOD plan in place already. No need to change it.
  • AddA2UDE
    I think it is important to continously change up what you are doing. I too prefer weight-training but I force myself to do some type of cardio once or twice a week too just to keep it a little more well-rounded.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    It will never kill you (obviously as long as you're not being excessive) to add/keep cardio in your regular exercise regime.

    NOW. If you're a weightlifter, many of them do not do cardio because it tends to cut muscle and fat from the body. They strictly focus on weight lifting. But for a normal routine, cardio is excellent :)
  • SarahBear9708
    I think both is best. I'm quite overweight myself, and I do both and have been getting results. Good luck!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have about that much to lose or more. I think mixing it up keeps you interested, but to be honest I have found that I burn more calories with weight training than straight cardio most of the time. I have an HRM so I am tracking real calorie burns. Maybe do more weight training with short bursts of cardio in between, intervals.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    No!!! You are on the right path. Always do a mix of strength and cardio.

    Weight loss is a combination of cardio, weights and diet!

    You're doing good, just keep trucking along. If you are not seeing results try stepping up your game. Maybe you need to increase the intensity of your work outs?

    Good luck :)
  • indycello
    indycello Posts: 147 Member
    balance, balance, balance!

    It is important to incorporate both but if you are focused on fat burning then I would pump the muscle! :) Try a mixed exercise that builds both muscle and endurance like spinning, yoga, or zumba
  • BeSexy
    Both are very important. I think your current routine will work well. And yes, variety with it all will do you wonders too.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Strength training and cardio and proper nutrition. Note the use of the word "and" in several places.

    Start slow. Work your way up. Good luck.
  • roebuck1908
    Both would be OK but why not get one of the personal trainers at the gym to advise on the best program for your needs
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    My opinion:
    Both cardio and weight training have their place and I try to incorporate BOTH into my routines. This helps me keep from getting bored as well as keeps my body guessing. I alternate 3 each per week when possible. with a full rest day once a week. If I have the energy, sometimes even do both in one day but not usually back to back ... weights in the morning, cardio in the afternoon or vice-verse.
    I am not trying to kill myself here, just lose some weight and enjoy life a little in the process.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Cardio's definitely going to give you, well, cardiovascular benefits - it will strengthen your heart. So regardless of fat removal efforts, it's going to make you a healthier person, and the stronger that baseline gets, the better you'll exercise all around.

    the exception:
    If you do circuits, however, and your heart rate is significantly elevated / in the fat-burning zone th
    rough resistance training, you are getting cardiovascular exercise and can potentially save some workout time. But I would tend to look at it the other way around: if you missed a day of cardio, or knew you would be short on time, make up for it by getting in a tougher circuit (work with a trainer, do a video, etc.) of strength and cardio. Good to throw those in anyway, but I think especially if one of your goals, at 120 lbs overweight, is to make working out a habit, then think about it less as a way to spend less time in the gym at this point, and more as an addition or a way to make up for time you meant to spend but didn't... If that makes sense.
  • nattyiqb123
    I am actually working with a trainer and she wants to see me 2x's a week sometimes 3x's if I can make it. She says the other 4 days I need to get in either a class or some kind of cardio. That will build your endurance and get your body moving. Think of it as taking care of your heart more than anything! The strength training will build that muscle that will be burning the fat round the clock. I also have a lot to lose so I am taking her advice. Sounds like you have a great plan going already. I cannot wait to weight in on Oct 1st, 1 month after I started with MFP and my trainer! Good luck on this new life style journey.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I agree with Jrich. Sounds like you have a GOOD plan in place already. No need to change it.
    Agreed. Good to see that you're here on MFP and doing both types of exercise.

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Stick with the plan you have, or better yet, try to get in a little cardio and a little strength every day! Strength and cardio play well together and doing both will increase your weightloss. Only doing the weights WILL NOT cut it, you will see some results if you're doing that AND have a good diet but not even remotely as much as if you were doing cardio and had a proper diet. If you're in doubt though look at the way that the exercise diary is set up on here: notice how when you enter in your weights (strength) you don't see any calories burnt? That's because it's negligeable. In order to lose, you have to increase your heart rate and unless you're moving furniture that just ain't gonna happen with the weights.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    working the largest muscle groups will burn the most fat and muscle. So build up the big ones, the work them out. (aka legs)
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there! Well lifting weights is great, you burn fat for longer. So after your work out is over you're body is burning calories longer than it would with just cardio. I would say YES do cardio for health reasons. Whether you're very over or slim skinny, cardio is going to keep your heart performing well, and everyone wants that! :) I like what you're doing, the 3 days/3days. Unfortunately for me it's so HARD for me to get into lifting. I HATE the soreness afterwards, so I do it only once in a while. Luckily for me, I have a muscular build, my mom and sister to do. I'm good there, but I know I should but I hate it really so I do cardio with some increased resistance. I would say keep doing both and just keep watching and see what works best for you :) Obviously being 120lbs over makes cardio harder, but you'll see it gets easier as your body drops the weight. Good luck!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I think what you have in place is perfect. I do cardio every day, whether I go to the gym or not, and strength training when I go to the gym 3-4 days a week. Good luck on your journey!!