I'm starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 15/09, please joi



  • themurph8910
    Did day 2 this morning felt great but I am super sore tonight. But I think its just because my muscles are tight from not moving much today while I slept.. Guess I will be standing up a lot at work tonight. Great job ladies keep up the good work!
  • Lotstoluv263
    I just did Day 1 yesterday and could barely walk, even was a horrible experiance just to sit and pee!! She is a killer (on my legs), my arms are okay but I use 4 pound weights and always use them when I am on my treadmill, so I am kinda used to them (no pain there). Could not do Day 2 today but I will get back into it tomorrow, I just need to rest....but I walked 30 minutes today (even though I looked funny)!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    My legs hurt like hell the first time to, I didn't touch it again for a few days. Do some stretching.
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    Oh my goodness, level 2 is so hard! I used to look forward to the ab work in level 1 as a chance to catch my breath. Not anymore! I had to pause several times during the workout. And I was doing modified exercises for several of them!
  • mrsmccullen07
    Tonight is Day Five for me !

    Last night was much better for me although I still have to stop during the pushups and well as those darn bicycle crunches. Should I continue on past day 10 if I can't do the pushups for the entire time ? Also I have pain during the bicycle crunches around my c-section its annoying but not a serious pain but does anyone else have any pain ??
  • mel_2
    I started out only being able to do 3 girlie push ups in each set on the first day. On day 11 when i switched to level 2, everything was fairly easy and I was able to do 5 - 7 real push ups in each set and the rest were on my knees. I don't have the best upper body strength, so doing 20 or however many pushups she does in each set wasn't going to happen for some time, but i went ahead and leveled up. If you are really struggling with the majority of the moves in level 1, wait until they are fairly easy before you move to 2.
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    I'm still struggling still with the push-ups too, I have improved but still can't do the proper ones only the girly ones. hopefully by day 10 I can do a few proper ones
    How's everyone else doing ??

  • Victoria141090
    Hiya guys, hope you don't mind me joining this :D

    I started on 14th sept so did day seven today and I'm noticing a difference. My endurance has gone up but no inches lost and can't do push up's still.

    Has anyone else noticed a change yet? Worried I'm doing something wrong or something.
  • Lesah0808
    Hello everyone!! I really want to join but I have to find the dvd. I'm about 2 go 2 another Target!! Your post are helping me to get ready & motivated! Thanks & Good Luck!!
  • Lesah0808
    I got it!!! It was at Target!! I'm tired so I will start 2morrow!! I'm so excited!! For those of you who've done this workout, is this something I can do before work or is it best 2 wait until after work?? Thanks for your input!
  • themurph8910
    Day 3 done....and today is Day 4.. Ms L -- I do my when I get off work but I get off work at 7 am.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Day 7 complete. Getting stronger, no inches lost though, been eating a lot, maybe that's why, tempted to take pics at 10 days and see what there is to see. About four days in, I hadn't lost any weight or inches but I felt thinner which felt good so, maybe
    I'll just run with that and keep working.

    Side note, I can do 5 to 7 standard push ups in the context of tae kwondo training but doing them for as long as the shred requires kills me, girly all the way for endurance.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Day 8 complete and this thread is deserted again. Coooooome baaaaaaaaaaaack.
  • Victoria141090
    Day 7 complete. Getting stronger, no inches lost though, been eating a lot, maybe that's why, tempted to take pics at 10 days and see what there is to see. About four days in, I hadn't lost any weight or inches but I felt thinner which felt good so, maybe
    I'll just run with that and keep working.

    Side note, I can do 5 to 7 standard push ups in the context of tae kwondo training but doing them for as long as the shred requires kills me, girly all the way for endurance.

    I'm on day 9 and I'm the same, no weight or inches lost. Was worried I was the only one. Maybe it'll happen on level 2 :D
  • AlrightMyLove
    I've done Shred intermittently in the past, and I'm about to start doing it again -- as soon as I finish this post, actually. I was wondering... How can I quickly log this in the exercise log? I was hoping for a quick entry called 30 Day Shred. *laughs*
  • Victoria141090
    I've done Shred intermittently in the past, and I'm about to start doing it again -- as soon as I finish this post, actually. I was wondering... How can I quickly log this in the exercise log? I was hoping for a quick entry called 30 Day Shred. *laughs*

    Hehe I actually did the same search :D It says on the website 503 calories per hour so I log it as 25 for level one as there is a little into but that bits up to you :D
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I've no doubt you and I are building muscle (yay) maybe the real shrinkage comes with cleaner eating (I know I'm eating indiscriminately).

    As for entry, I put it in under circuit training. My burns vary from 130 to 200 depending on how hard I work, how tired I am etc. (I use a hrm for my numbers.)

    Sad, didn't get a chance to shred today....could go now, it's only 3.45 am, but I don't really think I'd be getting the most out of it. :-( Ah well, tomorrow, ready and waiting to do day 9 I am!
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    I'm only doing shred 5 days a week so only finished day 6 as i do spinning class Saturdays and running intervals Sunday. Not seeing m,uch difference in myself yet but took before pics and hopefully will see a difference by the end of the program
    Thinking might start 'Ripped in 30 days' when we finish this and then 'Insanity' !
    How are all you ladies doing ?
  • paulinevalentine
    I'm in - I've just completed Day 5 of Level 1. First time I've ever tried this - had never heard of it before. I'm from Scotland and think this may be more of an american dvd. However, all going well and muscles aching. Started using 2 tins of beans as weights. Moved on to 2 1/2 lb weights today and arms even more sore today. I did do a 30 minute jog yesterday too so thats not helped with the muscle aching in my legs but thought I would try adding other bits and bobs in too when I can. I have a dog and am going to try jogging with him some days rather than just walking him.

    Anyhoo, all good here and stil feeling quite motivated. Go girls!!!
  • paulinevalentine
    everyone seems to be adding it as circuit training for 20 minutes in the exercise log so thats what I've been doing.