Any Other Insulin Dependent Diabetics Out There?!

Hi! I've used the site on and off and as of today am hoping to stay on until I lose this darned weight. I'm a 32 year old diabetic who was diagnosed at the age of 10 when my pancreas up and quit on me suddenly. I've never broken the overweight barrier on the typical scale, but I'm right on the edge now. I'm 5'7" and weigh 157lbs. I've never, ever been this heavy and I'm terrified! My husband and I did P90X for the 13 weeks before our wedding in July 2010 and I was running on top of it. We looked great and felt great. Then we bought a house and moved and ate nothing but junk for a solid year, during which time we didn't lift a weight or get on the treadmill once. When I went to put on my shorts at the beginning of summer I had a small heart attack when I realized I'd put on 17lbs!

Here's where the diabetes part comes into play. Even after 13 weeks of diet and exercise before the wedding, I hadn't lost a pound or a single inch. How is this possible?!?! Is it the insulin that keeps the weight on?! And if, after 13 weeks of intensity I didn't lose a pound, how the heck am I going to do it now, 17lbs. heavier and far more out of shape?!

Anyone with any advice on how diabetics can lose weight, please share! I'm feeling defeated before I've really even started... Which, of course, is why I haven't started before now. Please help!



  • I myself am a type 1 diabetic and have had the same problem with weight gain. It has a lot to do with insulin. I will tell you what my nutritionist told me, she lowered my calorie intake by 200 calories and she told me to eat more protein instead of carbs. Or you can replace a meal with a protein bar. She said that the weight gain comes from not only the carbs we eat but also the insulin and that protein does a great job at leveling out our blood sugar. The less carbs you eat the better and the more protein you eat the fuller you will feel without having to eat too much carbs. At first I had a problem with my blood sugar always going low when I didn't eat enough carbs and that's when she introduced protein into my diet. It works great especially when working out. Although I haven't lost much weight, I haven't gained any either. I have been able to maintain it. Incorporate exercise into your routine and I am sure you will lose the weight! Hope this helps!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Depending on how closely you monitored your intake, it's also possible you lost fat and gained muscle, if you ate close to/above maitenence.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Depending on how closely you monitored your intake, it's also possible you lost fat and gained muscle, if you ate close to/above maitenence.

    Did you try taking before/after photos? I find they're a more realiable form of tracking progress since ultimately the numbers on the scale don't matter, as long as you like how you look.

    I did p90x for 10 weeks or so, but lost lots of strength (lots of mass, but muscle too) and switched to a mix of cardio and weights.

    I was pretty hardcore for awhile though, writing down everything I ate.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Sorry about my multiple posts...Got a little excited with the 'enter' key and don't know how to delete. :tongue:
  • I am an insulin dependent diabetic and I have lost 16 lbs in the last year. It definitely takes longer for us diabetics to lose but it can be done. I stick with lean proteins, high quality carbs and lots of veggies. Insulin helps the body make fat. So try to gain some muscle and stick close to your calorie goals... and be patient! Good luck!
  • I am T1 too. I am losing weight and exercising. I am following the Atkins lifestyle and have managed to lower my insulin intake significantly. Add me if you wish. :)
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Thank you guys so much for your input. I can't tell you how grateful I am to hear from other T1 diabetics. Sometimes I feel like the only one out there, not knowing anyone else (except my mom, who is chronically thin) who is T1. I'm so happy to hear that it's at least possible for me to lose weight being diabetic! I did take before and after shots and measurements and weight when I did P90X for those 3 months and there wasn't a difference to be found. That's why I was so frustrated and afraid I'd never lose the weight. Now I'm 17lbs. up from that and back on the band wagon, hoping to have more success this time. I'm starting out slowly with the workouts so I don't injure myself or become too sore to continue. I'd like to get back to P90X and cardio, but it's going to be awhile before I'm in good enough shape to tackle those DVD's. I've stayed within my calorie range the last couple days and I've ordered the new Atkins book to check it out. I know I need to significantly reduce my carb intake and I'm hoping Atkins will help me do that. I'm excited to have found this website and looking forward to keeping in touch with the people here while we all work to meet our goals :)