any college girls in 20s? need a buddy!

I do ok with exercise because I play college soccer but i want to lose about 15 pounds to get down to 125. any one else out there want to be my buddy? My focus will be on my eating and staying away from unhealthy stuff which is really hard! my teammates are always eating sweets! hahaha but if anyone is looking for motivation ADD ME if your diarys is open and we can help motivate each other ever day! :D good luck every one!


  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    I'll add you. I am a college student and a girl. :D And my initial goal is to be 125 too! I will send you a request :D
  • I'm a newly-wed college student looking to lose a few pounds too. I got down to 125 for my wedding in May, but now I'm back up to 132 due to poor food choices! I'm trying to get back on track, I think a friend would really help!
  • jami54
    jami54 Posts: 12 Member
    I am a full time nursing student, feel free to add me!!
  • I am a full time student too. And I am the heaviest I have ever been and want to lose 20 lbs to get back down to my pre college weight! Add me (:
  • Im a full time hotel management student. I wanna get down to 108lbs but all the wine from my wine class is not helping me. lol. I think having a good support system will help us. IVe sent you an add.