
i am Jamie..

I am aiming to cut off the beer gut i have gained since my knee operation. I am still unable to play football (now 1 year since injury) and the only way i am going to keep in shape is to watch my food and do what i can in the gym.

What can i use for my staple in my diet?

Also, extra little question... one thing i am REALLY struggling with is not eating chocolate or drinking coke... I am doing it, but i feel this HUGE urge everyday to eat chocolate and drink full fat milk haha.

Anybody have any good suggestions for something i can eat to satisfy this urge to binge on chocolate?

Thanks alot.



  • Jelleebean
    no need to completely deprive yourself... just use portion control.. instead of having the whole bar, have half.. just allow for the calories... get Thinsations 100 cal fudgee-os or oreos... those take the edge off that chocolate pang... or, have a small glass of chocolate milk... kill two birds with one stone.. you get your chocolate.. and your milk :) just don't drink the whole carton/jug/bag in one go :drinker:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You can still have the chocolate, just have it in moderation now. Account for the calories, and its fine. Same with milk, although switching to skimmed milk was the easiest thing to do for me personally!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Eat more bacon...............ha haa. Really. The saltiness will get rid of a sweet tooth.

    But for real, with being limited in the amount of exercise you can do...........check out The Primal Blue Print.

    Effortless weight loss and being able to eat high fat, rich and decadent foods, such as eggs and bacon for breakfast. Steak and green veggies for supper.................
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    When I crave chocolate I eat those Jello Pudding cups. I have soy ones but it usually fixes my craving. I also have 85% cocoa dark chocolate and one square is enough to knock out my sweet tooth.
  • JJMJ100
    no need to completely deprive yourself... just use portion control.. instead of having the whole bar, have half.. just allow for the calories... get Thinsations 100 cal fudgee-os or oreos... those take the edge off that chocolate pang... or, have a small glass of chocolate milk... kill two birds with one stone.. you get your chocolate.. and your milk :) just don't drink the whole carton/jug/bag in one go :drinker:

    Just so you know i am from England, UK... so i am not sure we have thinsations... never heard of those. Thanks for your input :D
  • JJMJ100
    Thanks guys ill try some of these...

    I am going to start eating meals consisting of lots of root and green veg with lean meat so i feel full... plus i love veg so its easy.

    Its purely the sweet i struggle with, because nothing really knocks off the craving... i am one of these people who could literally eat chocolate ALL day and still have room for more... Although you wouldnt think it to look at me!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I completely blew out my knee playing basketball years ago. Though rehabbing since 2 weeks after surgery, it wasn't until I was 8 months fixed that I was allowed to go full force in exercising. I did the Body-4-Life meal plan and exercise pattern. i lost 60 pounds hitting the gym 2 times a day (once morning, once evening) in 5 months...just in time to divorce my 1st wife. Talk about timing!

    Anyway, cutting anything bubbly will help get rid of the gut. Protein is what your muscles starve for. have a good balance of Carbs/Protein ration and you'll be good with targeting your calorie intake. As for Milk...if you do protein shakes, use the MILK in place of water, and if you have 2+ scoops, use 1 less. Everything else is in moderation.

    now, you may be asking why I'm not doing that pattern again...well, I'm now a single dad of 2 kids...the Gym has not been an option, yet.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    There's no way to "remove the gut", so to speak.

    You can't choose where to lose fat from.

    Just make a lifestyle change, eat in moderation, and when you lose fat it may come off the belly first. Some people it does, some people it's the last place to go...