Help!! I just joined a "Biggest Loser" Competition with Frie

Hello Everyone

I'm new to MFP and this is my first post. Like I said in the Subject...I need any advice on how to lose weight for this competition that I joined with my friends. I've been calorie counting consistantly for about a month and I've lost almost 15 lbs. I can't afford the gym so if you have any tips, advice, workouts, recipes, etc. I would really appreciate it. I really want to win out of the 5 of us. (2guys 3gals). I'm nervous!! My goal weight is 66 lbs away!

Mother of 2 Boys :smile:


  • 30 day ripped 30 day shred and killer thighs and buns all by Jillian micheals are good DVDS... GOOD LUCK!!
  • lildoggielover
    lildoggielover Posts: 72 Member
    You can get 30 Day Shred On Demand for free!
  • I agree with the 30 day shred. It was only a 20 min workout and the dvd cost $10. Good Luck!
  • I have seen a dramatic change in those who are using " ZUMBA" It works every part of your body and burns alot of calories !! GOOD LUCK !! HOPE YOU WIN !!
  • Hello i have lost 43 pd in just over 4 months. i am very proud of myself. What i do on a daily bases is Zumba and i walk a lot. It is working great for me
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    You can get 30 Day Shred On Demand for free!
    You can only get the first two of the three levels and you can get a few more of her programs too.

    Zumba DVDs are great, I personally love Turbo Fire and Couch to 5k that got me running a 5k every other day.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    OMG! That is great! You don't need a gym ... I HIGHLY recommend any of Jillian Michaels' DVDs They are almost all a combination of cardio and weights. You don't have to lift heavy weights (I started with 3 pound weights) and they are not that expensive (dvd 9 bucks, weights 10 - 18) and an investment you can continue to use. And if you don't want to invest in weights ... try cans of soup, bottles of water, etc.
    A 25 minute circuit workout in the morning followed by a half hour bike ride in the afternoon will have you burning calories ALL DAY LONG!
    Monitor your calories and make sure you are feeding your body properly for the work you are asking it to do and you may be pushing your way to the bottom of the scale before you know it...
    I bought a new dvd every month to change things up and now rotate through them.
    Of course, I am not the best role model (I generally choose sleep over working out and tend to manage my weight mostly through calorie intake) but I am working on it and DO like to work out.
  • Well losing weight ovet long term is better n healthier n won't put weight back on.. biggest loser is bad because they use a crap diet n exercise 6 hours a day n when they finish the comp they put weight on because they cannot keep up with the lifestyle...exercise one hour a day or 2 -30min sessions.. have smaller more fruit n vegetables
  • keep this food diary!!!! i took 3 months off and now have 10 lbs to take off again''''' last year i was doing 2 hrs on my bike every morning, and di a great job losing steadly.. like to down load books on my mp3 player that my library provids for free and away i went every day