Advice pls

Hi! My goal was to lose 2 lbs/week and I got 1200 calories a day to get there.

I have been tracking a week and when I complete my daily tracking is says “you will be X weight in 5 weeks”. No where near 2 lbs week!

And I usually am slightly under my daily calorie allocation. What gives?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,932 Member
    There's a decent chance that if you selected 2 pounds a week, and got 1200 as a goal, you're trying to lose weight faster than is sensible for your current body weight. (Don't believe everything you see on reality TV or in tabloid headlines about fast weight loss!). How much do you weigh now, how old/tall are you, how much in total do you hope to lose?

    MFP won't give a woman a goal lower than 1200 daily, because the believe that's the minimum for typical women to get adequate nutrition. The 5-week prediction is generally nonsense for a variety of reasons, but I suspect that the reason you're seeing what you are is that an actual two pounds a week loss rate would require punitively low calories, i.e., below 1200.

    Keep in mind that if you set up your MFP profile as per directions, your activity level setting is supposed to be based on your life not including intentional exercise. You're supposed to log exercise when you do some, and eat those calories, too.
  • Fireflylou
    Fireflylou Posts: 4 Member
    Thx @AnnPT77
  • Flickerbick
    Flickerbick Posts: 2 Member
    @Annpt77 is correct. Also there’s a chance your not eating enough of the right calories.. consider adding strength training if aren’t already. Lifting weights will burn calories for around 24 hours, cardio will only burn in the moment and for the next hour or 2.