New Girl

I've been here almost a week, so I figure it's time I introduce myself.

First off, I am loving this site!

I'm someone who has constantly stuggled with her weight. Between 2003-2005 I lost about 45 pounds (my start weight then was very close to what it is now), but shortly before reaching my goal, I fell off my plan completely due to several factors, including a lack of motivation, a new inability to digest red meat (I had been a low carb, Atkins-esque plan as per my doctor), and some unresolved emotional issues that I had to focus on dealing with. Unfortunately, in the year of dealing with those issues, I fell off my weight loss plan, and the pounds I'd taken off rapidly came back on.

In the years that followed I cycled in and out of taking care of myself, weight-wise, but I didn't stick with anything for long, as I always had an excuse.

A few months ago, I commited to not only participating in a 5K, but to being the leader for a team of 12 in the Run For The Cure. I put off training for the majority of the summer, and then three weeks ago, finally got down to it. I have been feeling great while being active, and I find that even on my self imposed "off-days" I am still getting outside for a walk. Last week, a friend told me about MFP, and how much it has helped her stay on track and motivate her, so I decided to sign up.

I am finding it to be a great tool to track my eating. I was a victim to snacking and mindless eating, and seeing it all laid out infront of me every day is helping me to stay in check, and to know the real "value" of the foods I choose to consume.

I'm a fairly active person. I walk most places, as I do not drive. I am not much for sports or group aerobics, as I enjoy working out alone. It gives me time to think, to clear my head, etc. That being said, I am all about having the support of others, and hearing their fresh ideas. Don't be afraid to say hello!
