Afraid to eat ( looking for support)



  • eddiegirll
    These diet pills are very strong & they do that to a person. I think a person can take less of those pills than are prescribed.
  • kendrara
    Have you told your doctors this fact about your fear of eating or complete lack of meeting that minimum calorie goal? The doctors need more then just blood tests and weight from you. They need your input as well. Side effects from drugs are not always physical they can be psychological that manifest physically.

    I think that change has to come within as well as out. You can be a skinny Minny but if you don't truly love yourself the number on a scale isnt going to make you feel better.

    I hope you get help for the underlying issues and that with help you can have a change of lifestyle that's healthy and leads to a body that is healthy.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    My armchair thoughts are that you may have the beginnings of an eating disorder, something you do not have to suffer on your own. Talk to one of the doctors you're working with about this. What you are feeling is not unusual and you don't have to feel like this.

    While its scary to me.. I didnt think it was unusual... and I am glad someone confirmed that for me =] I can imagine that lots of people are just so sick of being fat that they do drastic unhealthy things. I definitely plan on talking to my doctor asap.. I dont want an eating disorder and I dont want to go through what I have been lately. Id definitely like to get it corrected before I do end up with a more serious issue.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Can I just say....and please dont take this wrong but it sounds like the start of anorexia. Can I suggest you tell those two doctors how little you eat and see what they say before this gets any worse? You took a lot of courage to admit you are doing this so keep at it and tell a dr.

    Lol I missed your reply! Okies hunny, let me tell you something about eatting disorders especially anorexia, typically it won't go away without lots of medical assistance. If you think you may have the start of it then it is best to get help now while you are still willing.

    How much water are you drinking? And perhaps aim to nibble on things like veg sticks with peanut butter or cheese sticks rather than just veg.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Please go back to your doctor. Regardless of your reasons for taking this medication you are obviously getting side effects that aren't good for you.
    You need to discuss this with your doctor and work with them to find a better plan. There might be alternative medication that suits you better or it might be a matter of stopping the meds or changing the dose, or perhaps being patient and accepting that weight loss might be slow but that if you work at it, you will get there in time.
    Good luck and take care.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    my honest opinion is you might want to seek professional help. this is not bashing you, but being scared to eat is not normal and you may need help to overcome such a problem

    I dont feel you are bashing =] not at all.. I posted this wanting and NEEDING REAL advice.. I definitely know its not normal.. and I totally DONT wanna be this way.. coming here to MFP is my first step in getting some help getting over this =]. But I do plan on talking to my doctor.. its just kinda late now where I am
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm a bit confused on a doctor that would even prescribe phentermine to someone with an ED. Not bashing but it might be in your best interest to trade out docs and drop the appetite suppressant so your body stays healthy.

    I realize you're young but a healthy body NOW makes all the difference later.:flowerforyou:

    When we get impatient and want to drop the weight like yesterday, is when it's dropped far too fast and put right back on with another 50 friends.:grumble:

    I'd much rather lose it at a healthy rate 1-2 lbs. per week on average than to take time to lose it, kill my metabolism and then regain it. Then try it to lose it all over again with a slowed down metabolism. Whew... thanks but no... I'll take the slow boat that's safer for my body.

    I hope you reconsider taking drugs and eat like your brain is telling you too Hon.:wink::heart: You'll be so glad you did!

    I dont have an eating disorder =] I might be starting to get one.. but thats why I am here to vent and find some support from people who know about healthy eating =] Of course I will talk to my doctor.. and even though people dont agree with the drug.. he is an awesome doctor and has been my doctor FOREVER! I know he will help me with this =] I really would like to continue it and try to eat more.. but if I dont and cant seem to eat like I should I will definitely stop it.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    please take care of yourself, you are a beautiful women. Take Care!!!

    Aw thank you so much =] I am definitely trying =]
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    First get off the diet pills, gradually, not all at once. Start weaning yourself. Because what diet pills do is kill your appetite until you stop taking them and then when you stop, you are so hungry that you can't stop eating to save your life and usually gain it all back plus some. I speak from experience.

    Second, if you find that you are unusually obsessed with food, whether it's eating or not eating or preparing and not eating or any abnormal eating behavior, see a therapist ASAP. People die from eating disorders. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but nipping something really early is always best. However, I've got a feeling its the meds. Just be careful with them. Medications only mask the real problem and never for permanent.

    And don't forget that eating 600 calories a day will mess up your metabolism real good.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    You might want to go slow at that sub or you will be sick. I hope no one bashes you on this site, we are all here trying to overcome our own struggles. I am glad to hear you are going to eat your minimum calories and do this healthier. food isn't your enemy it is your relationship with food that is the problem. good luck to you.

    LOL! yea, I guess my BF is trying to get all my cals in me for the day now.. He doesnt really know about dieting or healthy eating.. I doubt I will be able to finish it lol.. Its so funny you say that food isnt my enemy.. because i either eat WAY too much of it.. or like now.. not enough SMH.. its Def a love hate relationship
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I know that you can lose weight without pills.. I have done it before =] IDK if you saw my other reply but I have medical reasons why my doctors thought it would just be a good boost for me. I also do know that losing so fast is pretty much a gaurantee I will gain it all back... Thats another reason I dont want to continue with what I am doing to myself.. I lost weight before (The right way ) and gained it ALL back and then some.. so I am just SUPER paranoid that its going to happen again.. =/ I know what I am doing is not the way to make sure i wont gain it back.. I dont know.. I cant even really explain how I feel and I dont have any good reason for WHY I started doing it.. just literally afraid to gain. Knowing how to do it right you would think I wouldnt be going through this.. trust me.. I am not sure about it myself now that I sit here and type it out and read it back and actually step back and see what I have been doing. makes no sense. but I want to stop it before I get too far and completely get unhealthy and have a more serious problem.. I am definitely willing to receive some advice =]
    First off let me say that I am proof that you can lose weight without diet pills.

    Next, you may gain some of the weight back that you have lost. Having lost so much weight so fast makes me believe that it is mostly water weight anyway and not a true loss. Besides after a while you are going to lose muscle mass and not fat. You might be skinny eventually but you will look and feel horrible. Do yourself a favor and consider stopping the pills asap.

    You're a grown woman and you know the effects it can have.

    Good ol' exercise and healthy eating is the only way to lose the weight, get fit and keep it off.

    Please be smart about some of the decisions you are making where your body is concerned. Best of luck.
    This is a good place to get support and advice if you are willing to receive it.
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    ok a few things lol.. First.. I dont have nor have I ever had an eating disorder.. I can agree that I may have the beginnings of one.. but I never have before..Also, I was given the phentermine because I have a super severe case of PCOS with insulin resistance that went on for years and I never knew about because I had no insurance and never went to the doctor.. So, the doctor thought it would be a good boost since me losing weight on my own now is close to impossible... Also, I have lost weight on my own before.. I lost about 35 lbs in 5 months by eating 1200 cals a day and exercising.. So its not like I CANT do it.. It was just with the PCOS being so bad my doctors thought I could use the help.. Ok... I am going to read the rest of the replies

    I too have PCOS have had it since I was 13. It isn't easy to lose weight with it but it is possible! There's a book out The PCOS Diet Book as well as the South Beach Diet. Both were recommended to me to manage my PCOS without medication. I'm not going to bash you for taking meds or not eating but I will say I do agree with others that you may have the beginnings of an eating disorder and you should speak with a medical profesional regarding your relationship with food. Having PCOS is hard to say the very least! I feel you on that aspect. Please get some help for the issues with non eating and make sure you change your eating habits to at least eat 1200 calories a day. It will help your body in so many ways! And you CAN do this..without medication and without starving yourself.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm not going to bash you in any way, I'm concerned for you. You continue to eat less than you should you are putting your vital organs to risk. Maybe you can find a healthy treat (energy bar type) that you like to nibble on in lieu of the greens once or twice a day. It's just a suggestion.

    Thanks that is actually a great idea! Do you know of any that taste good?! I dont like chocolate and I know most have chocolate in them so I never ever gave them a thought...
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    So here is a odd question....have you forced yourself to eat? I mean your going to force yourself to eat that sub so can you force yourself to eat 3 meals a day? Or will you only be eating it for his sake? If so tell him about this and ask him to hold you accountable when it comes to eating.

    After I had my twins I had PND and I honestly ate not much at all but I managed to force myself because it effects your milk supply and I wanted to breastfeed.

    I mean you have said you don't having a ED so just try and force it.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I've been there too. I live in a border town and at one point I was taking diet pills and I don't even know what they were. I was getting injections in my problem areas and there really was no way of knowing EXACTLY what was going in my body. Until, like you, I started feeling sick. Really sick. It took something like that to happen in order for something to click. Thank God I didn't do any long term damage (that I know of), but now I'm determined to do it the right way, regardless of how long it takes.

    Take this as a sign, an intervention. You need to change your ways. Since you're under doctors care, call them immediately and let them know what's happening. I hope this is the wake up call you need to get things moving in the right direction!

    Thanks =] Me too.. I have never been one to even consider taking weight loss pills or any of that jazz until I gained so much weight from the PCOS and I just felt desperate! Especially being at the biggest EVER.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I would consider speaking with your Doctor about this issue,before it gets worst. As far as the bashful people ignore them hun! Most of us are on here to help others,as well as get help for ourselves. Make sure you keep hydrated with fluids,sometimes not having enough fluids can also make us feel ill. Good luck with everything :)

    I am starting to wonder if my feeling sick has something to do with being OVER hydrated =/ and thanks =] I was terrified to post this but I know that I gotta start somewhere and this place was the first thing that came to mind!! Thanks so much =] I appreciate it
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Have you told your doctors this fact about your fear of eating or complete lack of meeting that minimum calorie goal? The doctors need more then just blood tests and weight from you. They need your input as well. Side effects from drugs are not always physical they can be psychological that manifest physically.

    I think that change has to come within as well as out. You can be a skinny Minny but if you don't truly love yourself the number on a scale isnt going to make you feel better.

    I hope you get help for the underlying issues and that with help you can have a change of lifestyle that's healthy and leads to a body that is healthy.

    My being afraid to eat is recent.. maybe 2 weeks.. and at first I didnt think anything of it.. I felt fine and was losing weight so I was like whatever! But I slowly started to feel like crap and then finally today its like I just broke down and realized I am basically killing myself by starving.. I havent even finished my first bottle of the pills yet.. I have 4 left.. So I am due for my monthly appointment.. which I am going to make tomorrow first thing in the morning.. It hasnt been very long but its been long enough to where I feel horrible and notice that I am creating a HUGE issue that I dont want to continue..
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Can I just say....and please dont take this wrong but it sounds like the start of anorexia. Can I suggest you tell those two doctors how little you eat and see what they say before this gets any worse? You took a lot of courage to admit you are doing this so keep at it and tell a dr.

    Lol I missed your reply! Okies hunny, let me tell you something about eatting disorders especially anorexia, typically it won't go away without lots of medical assistance. If you think you may have the start of it then it is best to get help now while you are still willing.

    How much water are you drinking? And perhaps aim to nibble on things like veg sticks with peanut butter or cheese sticks rather than just veg.

    I dont know ANYTHING at all about eating disorders so IDK but I am definitely going to talk to my doctor ASAP so that I can get rid of this fear to put anything in my mouth.. and its ok =] there were alot of replies really fast! lol.. which I expected.. I am hoping that its so early on in any issue that may be starting that I dont have a hard time at all getting out of it. I think I can do it.. I feel like.. if I am this upset about what I am going through with this already then I think I can get myself back to normal.. I SERIOUSLY DO NOT want to do anything unhealthy.. I dont want a disorder.. I just want to successfully lose weight and be healthy. Thats all..

    i drink ALOT of water. I basically drink if I get the urge to eat. I think adding peanut butter and cheeses will help.. The only things I will eat are:

    eggs (only 1)
    selected friuts( apples, grapes, bananas)

    and I will only drink water.. I wont even put crystal light or any type of flavor at all.. that is ALL =[. When I first started I was eating all sorts of things! Still healthy but my list of things to eat has decreased SO DRASTICALLY that I can grocery shop with like 20 bucks..
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Please go back to your doctor. Regardless of your reasons for taking this medication you are obviously getting side effects that aren't good for you.
    You need to discuss this with your doctor and work with them to find a better plan. There might be alternative medication that suits you better or it might be a matter of stopping the meds or changing the dose, or perhaps being patient and accepting that weight loss might be slow but that if you work at it, you will get there in time.
    Good luck and take care.

    I am going to talk to him =] And I will be honest and say that stopping the pills will not be my first choice because I really truly feel that if I can eat as much as I need to while on them they will help me. But, IF for some reason I cant take them and do it healthy then I will stop them. I am not going to be 100% stubborn but I would still like to try to continue them..
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Its ok.. I know its serious.. thats why I put myself out there the way I did.. because I dont want to continue not eating.. I hope its not the pill.. I really feel that they were helping at first. I just took it kind of far.. taking advantage of not having an appetite to the point where the sight of food itself makes me sick =/ I am thinking I have alot of work to do to get my metabolism back to normal already..
    First get off the diet pills, gradually, not all at once. Start weaning yourself. Because what diet pills do is kill your appetite until you stop taking them and then when you stop, you are so hungry that you can't stop eating to save your life and usually gain it all back plus some. I speak from experience.

    Second, if you find that you are unusually obsessed with food, whether it's eating or not eating or preparing and not eating or any abnormal eating behavior, see a therapist ASAP. People die from eating disorders. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but nipping something really early is always best. However, I've got a feeling its the meds. Just be careful with them. Medications only mask the real problem and never for permanent.

    And don't forget that eating 600 calories a day will mess up your metabolism real good.