For those of you who have lost 70 pounds or more...

I was wondering how long it took you. I think a year is definately a good amount of time, I would like it to happen overnight lol. I know every body is different but just curious how long it took for you.


  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Joined MFP last March. I weighted 193. I am currently 120.9. It has been a little over 6 months. I've been told that is too fast, but that's how long it had taken me. You will get there
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    I am -65 in 9 months.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I'm getting there at that pace. 50 pounds in 8 months, 15-20ish to go. I think that's probably very doable for you.
  • connell1981
    85 pounds.... 50 in one year, another 35 in the second year.
  • Spitcan
    Spitcan Posts: 38 Member
    I am currently -90 in 9 months personally. Ive been lucky enough to average 10 per month working hard at it. I did -70 in about 7 months give or take.
  • SimplyDeLish
    70 pounds is doable in a year....but the closer you get to your goal the slower the weight will come off. At this point I lose an average of about 1 pound per week - even though my MFP numbers should allow me to lose 2 pounds per week.

    My suggestion - don't worry about the time frame. Eat healthy, move more, make this a lifestyle. The weight will come off!

    Good luck!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I started Oct 20th 2010 and I hit 70 lbs in June/July. I have been fighting the last little bit since then.
  • It took me about 1 year and 3-ish months to officially lose 100 pounds, and another 8 months to lose the last 10 i have lost. I had an extremely easy time losing the weight, no joke, because I had no set date or goal date in mind. In fact, I didnt even have a goal weight! I just knew I needed to lose some, and 25 pounds ago I would have been happy at that weight but I continued to add new activity and work outs to my life that kept the weight coming off. I went away to college for 4 months during my weight loss after I had lost about 45 on my own. During that period, I might have lost 5 or 10 but wasnt concentrating on it. I was still working out, doing LOTS of walking, but i wasnt taking what i was eating too seriously but was still eating much healthier than i had been. Once that semester was over, I joined MFP and the last 60 pounds have melted off more or less. I did everything very slowly. I walked a ton for the 1st year and really did no other work outs. Last year I started running, then added some strength training to tone up. Don't let the time frame make you obsessed. If it takes a year, thats fine. You will have many healthy years ahead :)
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    13 month to lose 70 lbs. I could have done it faster, however I lost focus and was distracted for 4 months or so.