Hi there everyone!

Hi all here, I been here on MyFitnessPal for about 2 months now. My GI doctor recommended this app to me to track what I eat. I'm from Tennessee. My name is Ashley. I enjoy listening to music, art, nature photography and making jewelry. I have IBS-C, nonalcoholic fatty liver, PCOS and gastroparesis etc. I'm also trying to lose weight while tracking my foods. I'm sick alot with chronic nausea and dealt with it since childhood and was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis after I had a GET (gastric emptying tests). According to a general surgeon who ordered the GET said my stomach is paralyzed which I can't digest certain foods (yes including very healthy food) and was recommended gastric bypass surgery to lower my gastroparesis symptoms such as the chronic nausea that's out of control. So I'm currently in the process of that and somewhat scared, no lie mostly of being admitted in as I have GAD (a severe anxiety disorder). Anyway, on zofran medication for chronic nausea and only helps a tiny bit for me but not for long. Anyway, this app was recommended by my GI to me to help track my weight and what I eat daily. It's been helpful with tracking. Glad to be here. Happy to meet others here!


  • bjjmitchell
    bjjmitchell Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ashley, I'm Brenda and I live in GA., I've been on and off MFP for a few years. Just started back two days ago, haven't logged anything since Covid. I'm 63 and trying to take off the 25 lbs I've put on in the last 2 years. It's much more difficult than it was a few years ago. I want to be healthy and able to enjoy my retirement. I love to hike, run, and make quilts. It's nice to meet you. Good luck on your journey!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi! My brother suffers with gastroparesis as well. It’s a miserable condition! I wish you lots of luck in your journey!