Bodyfat Percentage Scale

Hey all,

I'm looking to buy a good scale with an accurate bodyfat percentage readout. I'd like a balance of reliability and affordability (who wouldn't?). Anyone have suggestions?

I just use the Wii Fit scale right now, but sometimes it says I've gained/lost 4 pounds in a day. It's not on carpet and stays level, so I don't know what the deal is. I know the body goes through changes daily so I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and before eating breakfast. Even though the trend of weight loss it shows over time is nice, it can be very discouraging on days when it says I've gained weight. I use a BodyBugg, which I love, and log my food on MFP, so I have a good idea of whether or not I should be gaining or losing weight. A nice scale that tells me I at least haven't gained fat % would be most useful.



  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Alas, the problem with that? The readings on those scales (which send a mild electronic pulse through the feet) are AFFECTED by gain and loss of water weight. I have one (couldn't tell you the brand and don't particularly recommend it), and it has told me that my body fat has changed (bounced) up and down over a 7% range in the last two weeks (not very likely, is it?). I'd rely on a tape measure. It's better for telling you that you are making progress when the scale doesn't budge.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I use a very high tech one at the gym I go to.
  • howardmd1
    howardmd1 Posts: 7 Member
    So pretty much the same thing probably affecting my day-to-day weight fluctuation will likely cause a bodyfat % fluctuation on one of these scales? Damn. Don't some scales measure water % as well? Does anyone have one that measures weight, bodyfat and water that works well?