The scales just won't move :(



  • hi if you log everything and stick to the 1200 you should start losing. but even if you go just over and you are dancing you should lose. ive lost 2 stone in 15 weeks and i wasn't doing any exercise for the first 8 weeks as i had an operation and wasn't allowed to. i am back to dancing to now i do tap and line dancing. you can burn 105 kcals line dancing for 15 mins and about tap is about 200 kcal for 30 mins thats none stop dancing for that time. my brother had been doing it and he has lost 5 stone in the same time he was bigger than me so he has been losing more each week.
  • Its all about replacing the baddies dear :)
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    This might appear a bit harsh but you have actually answered your own question! It strikes me that you are in control on "normal days" but once into the night shift pattern your self control goes out the window and you end up eating all day and night! I also wonder, are you eating extra because you have exercised? I work on the basis that the calories I burn through exercise I do not eat to make them up! The plan I am following is 1200 calories incuding the milk allowance and I am finding that I am not needing to eat extra as I am not hungry. In fact because I am eating breakfast - reluctantly but I am perservering - and eating snacks of fruit between meals which I would not normally have I am curbing my appetite. Have you tried bringing healthy and varied snacks in (crudities, fruit, low fat yoghurt?). As I am still in the early stages of my diet, I am buying WW ready meals and similar. That way if time is short I do not have to think about weighing anything. I can just throw it in the microwave, add extra veg and eat! You also need to factor in the gain in muscle through exercise which may be another reason to think about. Become best friends with your tape measure - believe me even if the scales do not vary, the tape measure reveals whether you are sticking to plan or really just kidding yourself. As for the Snickers bar, aside from the 280 calories and 14g of fat, chocolate contains a lot of high energy glucose as well as caffeine - hence why when you get home you cannot sleep! We all kid ourselves but rest assured that the average woman can lose weight on 1600 calories so if you are not losing weight, nor inches then you are simply eating too much or you are on anabolic steroids! We all underestimate our intake and overestimate how much we have lost through exercise so do not feel disheartened because once you accept that you should become a lot more focussed and you will see the scales move and the inches get smaller! Best of luck and do not give up!!!
  • tipsymoth
    tipsymoth Posts: 28 Member
    I can't keep up with quoting everyone, but thanks!!!

    I am trying to log EVERYTHING. I have looked back and will confess, there is a lunch at the thai restaurant missing because I didn't know what to log it as, but the days that are missing meals are, as someone correctly guessed, work days. I do 12 hour day shifts too and it is not uncommon to not get any break at all those days, so there is lunch and dinner missing. I sometimes eat when I get home but often I get so tired and feel so rough that I don't.

    The Snickers bar is partly to stop me from sleeping ;) I get home, have a couple of hours and then have to pick up my son from his nursery at lunchtime, so I can't go to bed.

    I had realised how much rubbish I do eat. I have been glossing over that and maybe needed it pointed out to me. The packets of crisps will go since the picnic weather seems to have gone, but the chocolate needs more self control.

    Thanks guys.

    It would appear I have been deluding myself.

    Must try harder.


  • I agree with the other posters. You are not completing your food diary at all and therefore it's hard to see the whole picture.

    But from what I've looked at, you are eating way to many carbs and not enough fresh, unprocessed things. Chocolate bars are not good. If you do crave some chocolate, try a fun size bar. But treat it as a treat once a week or something.

    Do you like fish?

    My diary is open, feel free to take a look at it.

    Try and stay away from processed foods and eat fresh whenever possible. You need to find SOME veg you are happy eating.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Tipsy :)

    I was the same way! Before I started really using MFP, I didn't think I ate that badly. Unfortunately, I was comparing myself to smaller people with better metabolisms. I ate horribly, I ate late, and often. I didn't realize what was going on until I was 200lbs and getting a double chin!

    Thanks to MFP, I've learned to religiously log everything... it makes a huge difference :)

  • tipsymoth
    tipsymoth Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks all.

    I've closed my diary again, taken it all on board and will try harder.

  • Oh and tispy one more word of advice...if you plan on sticking to this "calorie diet" and you come across something where you are not sure of the calories then find something else to eat where you know the calories. You dont have to limit yourself to that one particular thing and if it is all that you have to eat then make sure you work out to make up for whatever calories you "think" you may have consumed from it. :)
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