the feeling of moving on.

So I've posted before.

I have finally after weeks of long debate and being separated decided, I'm going to file for divorce. It will never work with my husband, he is wishy wasn't about making it work, he started seeing other people and went to strip clubs as soon as I left. It hurts, but I'm getting my butt back in school (well I'm already in school this semester) and finishing up my bachelors so I can give my children and I the best life :)
On his part, I don't think he will be very involved with the kids. I mean he is going out doing all this stuff yet has only sent $120 in 7 weeks for both our kids, one of which is in diapers still. I am living with my parents and I'm welcome to do so to finish axhool.

It's been a tough decision, but in the end I think ill come out stronger and happier, although it hurts like hell :/

Ps I can't sleep lol just so much on my mind


  • Good luck to you!
  • : (

    I wanna say I know how you feel but I think it would be completely unjustified. My boyfriend left me on Friday, we hadn't been together too long, about 8weeks, but we were still in that nice honeymoon phase. Everything was going well, he came over to mine for the weekend and then as we were going to bed it was apparently not working out and he was leaving me.

    Eurgh, so yea, not really the same but I'm feeling completely flattened by it all, I hope it doesn't affect your eatting too much. I can barely eat atm, I keep trying but whatever I do eat ends up making me feel sick : ( <3

    Things will improve eventually I am sure <3
    it's just when eventually that bothers me : (
  • Yea I barely ate this week. I need to force myself. I know I.won't binge like I used to. But I haven't been to the gym either bc I feel weak
    : (

    I wanna say I know how you feel but I think it would be completely unjustified. My boyfriend left me on Friday, we hadn't been together too long, about 8weeks, but we were still in that nice honeymoon phase. Everything was going well, he came over to mine for the weekend and then as we were going to bed it was apparently not working out and he was leaving me.

    Eurgh, so yea, not really the same but I'm feeling completely flattened by it all, I hope it doesn't affect your eatting too much. I can barely eat atm, I keep trying but whatever I do eat ends up making me feel sick : ( <3

    Things will improve eventually I am sure <3
    it's just when eventually that bothers me : (
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Remind yourself to breathe.
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    Try and look at the positive side of things, it will help. Start thinking of it as living your life for you and your kids. Don't stress too much about eating, I know how difficult it is to eat when in an emotional state, try and just eat when you feel hungry and make sure that it is good nutritional food...your energy levels will slowly creep up again. Sleeping will slowly get easier too, but in the meantime try listening to soothing music (I had a stress relief hypnosis CD I would swear by). Give it time. Its a terrible cliche but its true that time is a great healer. You will slowly find that each day gets a little better, the meltdowns will happen less frequently and with less intensity, and before you know it you will be starting to feel normal again.

    For me I found that going to the gym was a huge help, and even now when I'm going through an emotional moment, or feeling in a crappy mood I go to the gym and run, it almost feels like for that hour I'm running away from what is bothering me and it gives me a sense of relief and then the endorphins kick in and it helps to alleviate some of the stress

    It sounds like you have the support of your family, and I'm sure that has to be a huge help and comfort to you.

    I wish you well :flowerforyou:
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Girls, I'm a guy and I do know there r so many sorry guys out there, all you can do is be HAPPY they r gone from your life and move foward one door closes will open up a new one. You surely don't want to be with anyone that does not want to be with you. There is someone out there for you open your eyes look around most of all take care of yourself, Stay Fit Physically, Mentally and Emotionally

    PS If you have kids do not let him get away from taking care of his children, if he's got money for strip clubs he's got money for diapers..

    Sorry for your bump in the road it wil run smooth again..

  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Best of luck, we are all here to support you
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Make SURE you have a good lawyer. A good lawyer will ensure proper child support.

    DO NOT let yourself get taken advantage of, regardless of how bad you want this to be behind you. Stick strong, stick to your guns, stick up for yourself and your children.
    I cannot stress this enough.

    Enjoy time with your family, take care of your children.
    Sweetheart you WILL be ok. You WILL do all you want to do. You're life WILL be better!!
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    Hard decision...if you need to vent or have a shoulder to lean on send me a message...been there done that...lived to tell about it...