Morbidly obese need help!

I just turned 36 and feel like I won’t make 40 if I don’t get in gear 🥺 I weigh roughly 510 pounds and just at the 6 foot mark and I’m a guy. Please if anyone could help me my name is Travis


  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    Are you serious enough to quit processed food (an assumption on my part) and start preparing your own meals? If you chase the nutrients the calories will almost take care of themselves.
  • SnotfaceMcGee
    SnotfaceMcGee Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome and well done for taking the first step! I’m still quite new and a bit clueless so can’t offer much help I’m afraid but just wanted to post to wish you good luck. My best first bit of advice is to find something that has a big impact but doesn’t require massive change (e.g. getting rid of liquid calories and getting more water instead), doing these things systematically can lead to impactful and sustainable changes over time. When you get one down, move on to the next. But there are far more experienced people on MFP who I’m sure will give you help and support.
  • M4r3z
    M4r3z Posts: 20 Member
    Some people start with cutting carbs to get a jump start on preparing their body for the dietary change. Walking is also a great way to burn calories. Maybe get a steps tracker like I watch or Fitbit and set daily goals. As you achieve a step goal, set another. And another.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,063 Member
    Hi and welcome, Travis!

    I agree with what @RHO58 said. Also, if you haven't already done so, I would start by getting a medical checkup to make sure that there aren't any health issues that might impact what you do/don't do.

  • amberchen86
    amberchen86 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello Travis.I saw it on TV that your doctor can give you medication to help you loose weight.There are no magic pills so you still need to adjust your diet and do exercises. There is another thing I saw it on tv,you need to do green juice diet for few weeks to clean your guts then get back to eating healthy food. Walking is a good exercise for you I think.

  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Travis. So lovely to meet you.
    What is amazing to me is that when we are obese, the idea of making change is terrifying, another chance to fail, and giving up your comfort, with years and years of deprivation in front of you as the best outcome.
    But as soon as you seriously commit to change, a huge load of shame and self loathing lifts. It will take you a long time to lose the extra weight, but you really will start feeling better immediately. My tip is don’t announce it, just quietly go about your life, making changes, and hug your wonderful secret to yourself. You will get loads of support on here.
    I think liquid calories should be the first to go. Change to water. Introduce more fruit and veg. Cut down on sugar, fat and processed food. Portion control. And start walking. You will be fine.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited September 2022
    I just turned 36..

    I hope you return. Consistency and persistency are your important tools in the kit. Consistent habits will get you there.

    You don't need to jumpstart your metabolism with a pair of battery cables. You don't need to flush your guts out with a garden hose. There's no such thing as a metabolic reset and liquid diets won't do a thing for satiety.

    Start simple. Most of us knew exactly how to maintain our higher weights with our usual portions. Cut those in half. We were so good at it, we knew how not to go beyond that higher weight on the scale. We might have stayed there for years and years, going down a few, but always bouncing right back to that highest weight. We do know what we are doing all along the way.

    Moderate your portions. Cut them in half. Don't eliminate any of your favorite foods, because those who do go right back to them when all of the dieting is done. It might take a year or two, but we are creatures of deeply ingrained habits. Start there. Cut portions in half and adjust accordingly as you go down in pant sizes. Just come back and keep yourself engaged in the process.
  • amberchen86
    amberchen86 Posts: 55 Member
    Drinking green juice is not really a fad diet.You certainly don't need it.Just an idea.
    My friends and I did it last year.There were lbs of solid poo did came out.If it doesn't work why would you have lbs solid poo came out from your bodies.After that I got more energy.I can't stand it that is why I stop.It taste bad because I dont like vegetables. Of course it's not for long term solution. Several my friends still doing it once a month. Good for your skin too to get toxins out of your body.
  • amberchen86
    amberchen86 Posts: 55 Member
    I understand what you are saying.The point is Travis need to see a doctor.He is 500lbs how can his body function normal.He needs help for sure.You can tell him to do portion control but the result won't be as good as he gets help from his doctor. By the way I treat my body extra nice and I don't have weight problems.I just try to do better to improve myself here.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    We can't speak for him, but now you've hit the nail on the head. His medical professionals are his best source of information. There's not a single juice, food or diet protocol that can take their place. I just hope he finds the help he needs.
  • amberchen86
    amberchen86 Posts: 55 Member
    lol I am just trying help.He needs to see a doctor period.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,908 Member
