Morbidly obese need help!



  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited September 2022
    @springlering62 and @JBanx2

    I have a question for you, but maybe I should ask it over at the flophouse. Why not ask it here.

    It takes so long to undo what extra weight does to the body. It's virtually painless going on and painful coming off. The hard work and all of the effort, I know it's so worth it for you @springlering62

    During the difficult days and the months, what kept you going? There's something that we don't talk about very much, but there is a small amount of hunger involved with weight loss. It may not be much, but there are days when some hunger is there.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @springlering62 and @JBanx2

    I have a question for you, but maybe I should ask it over at the flophouse.

    I prefer the chophouse...mmmmm steak....bloody-rare though, please ;)
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited September 2022
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    @springlering62 and @JBanx2

    I have a question for you, but maybe I should ask it over at the flophouse.

    I prefer the chophouse...mmmmm steak....bloody-rare though, please ;)

    We have a lorra lorra steakhouses around here. Not me, I want a burnt sacrificial offering. Not really, but I can't even read that without turning my head sideways. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Make it done.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited September 2022

    During the difficult days and the months, what kept you going? There's something that we don't talk about very much, but there is a small amount of hunger involved with weight loss. It may not be much, but there are days when some hunger is there.

    In all honesty, best thing? I “banked” the NSV thread so I had something to read whenever I was feeling meh about the whole thing. I have read every single one of the thousands (?) of posts over there.

    Individual success stories were motivating, too.

    IMHO, people don’t take advantage of these boards. My “friends feed” is pleasant and fun, and occasionally informative, but here is where I get the meat of the knowledge I need. There are some phenomenal users here that share so generously, and sometimes offer a shoulder to whine, pout or cry on.

    I never had hunger. I make it a point to have multiple snacks a day, and space them and meals out every couple of hours so I have something to look forward to, even if it was just a cup of tea. Even I, the Snack Queen, can (should be able to) hold out an hour or two til the next snack, and if I can’t, I move one up and find something to keep me occupied for the next three instead.

    Pre-logging helps tremendously because I know exactly what’s coming and when. It takes a lot of pressure off versus running around the kitchen, gobbling something and then panicking over how many calories I just killed.

    I find chai lattes and iced coffees to be treat-like, and therefore, mentally filling. (It’s the mind that makes us nibbly. This isn’t a third world country. We don’t have “real” hunger, no matter how much we persuade ourselves we do.) I even have a special area in my diary for them, and can make a damned good one of either for under 30 calories-including a huge mound of frothed milk. The “ceremony” of making a chai, or getting the aeropress out to make the coffee makes a cup of something seem more substantial and satisfying than it really is, if that makes sense.

    It also works for me to stay busy. If I have several hours clear, I fill my time with a class, walk the dog, vacuum whether it needs it or not. As long as I stay in motion, I don’t have time to worry about food. I do a lot of needlework, too. As someone wise here once said, dirty snacky fingers + needlework is icky. Or something to that effect.

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    @springlering62 That was wonderful and it's here for everyone to remember.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited September 2022
    @JBanx256 A photo of yourself might help to show context and explain your description of hunger and hanger, since you maintain an extremely low body fat %.

    It would also help explain how you are in the “overweight” category. Beleive me!!!! You would NEVER look at this woman and have the word “overweight” in your mind.

    My experience has been nothing like hers, but then again, I’m not exactly show or photo shoot material, nor do I desire to be, unless there’s an “easy” button!

    I love her description of eating pizza with the kids, followed by doughnuts. Every Sunday morning is Donut Day here, an excuse to go have a big honking apple fritter and let doggo hang his head out the window for the ride. It’s our little hour-long holiday here every week. Most fridays we go for pizza, shawarma or Mexican for lunch, and have a super light dinner. We both (husband and I) manage to fit these things within our calorie budgets.

    You have to have fun once in a while, or you’d go nuts- not matter how much you love cottage cheese and blueberries with balsamic.
    lI’ve had a check up not long ago with blood work and everything came back normal. No sugar issues no high blood pressure and no high cholesterol. My organs function normal and my heart sounds great. That being said I’m lucky maybe undeservingly so and I shouldn’t take it for granted, also no thyroid issues either. Anyways it’s time to make a change and I’m glad I have you guys to help.

    I was lucky like that. And yet I got bigger and bigger and bigger. One day I realized “damn, Momma’s been bedridden for years due to weight and related issues and Dad can’t get out of the Barcolounger because he hasn’t cared for himself, either”. I saw the handwriting on the wall.

    It’s so easy to fool or rationalize to ourselves with good test results. Sticking our head in the sand (we were all too fat to put them elsewhere, lol) was a family trait. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited September 2022
    Appreciate all of that, @JBanx256 I'm in awe of the process and pressure that's involved. You do remind me of a famous French warrior, circa 1430. Joan d'Banx256

    @Bittertraaman Youth is on your side and so are we. Don't try to drop it like it's hot. That's overcompensation. Don't bite off more than you can chew by overwhelming yourself. Keep your head engaged and moderate your portions. Consistently.

    Dieting hacks and shortcuts are plumb loco. They might be more exciting than tracking your data points, but they'll make you nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake.

    @springlering62 I think of Springer Mtn, GA, every time I see your name. I do know a thing or two about fruitcakes. I have relatives who worked at a famous fruitcake company in GA. 🥰
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited September 2022
    Springer Mountain is a couple of hours north, but their chicken is a hot menu item ‘round here.

    Springlering is a very obscure Tolkien reference. The word appears only one time in Lord of the Rings, as the name of the dance the Hobbits do at the Party Tree. But it’s such a lovely word. Just rolls off the tongue- once you realize it’s not “spring le’ring”.

    I’ve specified when my time comes, I’d like my pyre to include a fresh copy of LOTR, all my Oingo Boingo albums and CDs, and my battered copy of The Collected Short Stories of E M Forster.


    @Hiawassee88 One of BL’s lingering regrets about weight loss is giving up Claxton fruitcakes. He picked one up last Christmas and put it down with tears in his eyes.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @JBanx256 A photo of yourself might help to show context and explain your description of hunger and hanger, since you maintain an extremely low body fat %.

    It would also help explain how you are in the “overweight” category. Beleive me!!!! You would NEVER look at this woman and have the word “overweight” in your mind.

    . 🤷🏻‍♀️

    A couple photos taken this past Saturday (I do a bi-weekly self check-in), 09/10/22 morning:


    These are photos in maintenance & are roughly 12-ish pounds up from the condition I dieted down into for my photoshoot (if you can see my profile pic, that was from 03/12 of this year after a pretty hard (but not insane) 10-week cut)

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    @JBanx256 Awesome is an understatement. Exquisite perfection.

    @springlering62 Synchronicity. Bing. That's the one. When I tell people I'm related to fruitcakes, they have no idea. 🤣😂
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @JBanx256 Awesome is an understatement. Exquisite perfection.

    thank you <3

  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome Travis, congrats on the bloodwork and all that goes with it. The first few responses on page 1 of this post had some great suggestions. Personally, tracking/journaling and walking is what has worked best for me with a little lifting. I find the Success Stories with pictures to be inspirational reading. Find what works best for you. Stick around, follow/friend some members, read some threads, stay the course and be good to yourself.
  • alipayne1982
    alipayne1982 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there @Bittertraaman,
    Well done for taking that first big step. My first and probably biggest piece of advice i had learnt was the weightloss game starts in your head. Food though only a fraction of the battle can be sorted out eventually, and exercise can be learnt and incorporated into your new life style. But above all your mental state, will power and positivity will start you on your journey. You've got this, and your MFP family has got you, we can do this 😁
  • alipayne1982
    alipayne1982 Posts: 6 Member
    @Bittertraaman Find a swimming pool. If you don't know how to swim, walk around in shallow end. Hang onto the sides and kick your legs. Use floatation boards, one under each arm and move across the pool. Get your momentum going and when you finish in the pool, you will feel so much better. Water is good medicine. Relax in the hot pool.

    Believe me @Bittertraaman this is an excellent idea, if you haven't been active in a while your joints and body will thank you for it. Low impact exercising is great for getting your muscles and joints moving while working on improving your heart health.

    Also short bouts of walking multiple times a day, work your way up. Its not a race, its a lifestyle change