Holy Crap! A forum Board!


I've been using MFP mobile application and haven't really explored the website to much. I just noticed that there's a forum board. This site just keeps on giving and giving.

I'm a 35 year old guy living in Toronto. I recently had two kids...well, not me personally...my wife...I'm sure you understand...Anyway, I recently had two kids and my weight kind of got out of hand. I topped out at 265 pounds, so not the biggest guy around, but stilll. I'm currnently around 240-245 and I'm looking to get down to 220.

looking forward to exploring the boards. If anyone has suggestions on things I need to check out, please let me know.


  • Mary3l
    congrats on your 2 kids and your journey!! it really helps to have tons of people keeping you motivated!!!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Welcome welcome!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    first suggestion....on your "my home" page, you will notice a link to "profile". go there and fill out your profile in as much detail as possible. the mental part of this journey is often more difficult than the physical part. there will be times where you need added motivation/will power/etc. to continue on your journey. that's when you will want to have your goals/inspirations/motivations written out in as much detail as possible so that you can review them to help remind yourself why you are on this journey. write down specific things you didn't like/don't like about being overweight. what are some of the things you look forward to as you work towards your goal.

    complancency will try to find a home in your mind at some point and you will need tools to kick it to the curb. filling out your profile with details and reviewing it is one of those tools that will help you along your journey.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    There is also a search button where you can research topic. There is not a lot of things that have not been discussed ad-infinitum on here and a little research can save you some headaches. Welcome to this madness and I hope you do not regret finding the "forum"
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Yes Welcome Welcome To the Mad House

    I hope you find success in your journey and luck with using the site

    just remember


    With that being said have a great day and goooooood Luck
  • gertieblueboots
    Dandan, welcome! I just started using the website in the last week, and I LOVE it. It's very helpful, and everyone is very friendly and supportive. Take full advantage of it, it helps a lot!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member

    I am sure you will find the support and tools to be a success... you can find a wealth of information here:


    I particularly like the one titled your bodies thoughts on calories

    Good luck on your journey and happy reading!

  • ncgatorfan
    Welcome to this wonderful world!!!! Word of caution: the forums can be awesome and they can sometime become frustrating with petty and childish comments on there. Choose wisely, as with any other site! I wish you the very best on your journey and congrats on the new addition!!!

    LOVE TORONTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    hello and welcome. this is my first post to the forum and i have been on board for about one month today. i have had wonderful and surprising results. i went to see my doc and colleague yesterday i have been with him since 2002 and he saw the scale drop significanltly for the first time. i have several chronic illnesses and it has always been a struggle to get my numbers down including: blood pressure, blood surgar, A1c, alt, ast...i had a stent placed in my lad (the widow maker)18mo ago at age 47. so needless to say he was impressed i am down 3 of my 22 pill/day. i will have labs drawn this week and i can't wait to see more happy results. Praise the Lord and all of my MPF gang! I wish you many blessings and i can only hope you will pass on a healthy lifestyle and values for balance to your children. i believe in daddies mine fell short and it was not easy learning things the hardway. my husband is a wonderful father and we have been busy with three daughters over the years, he is a ROCK STAR in their eyes! Long live the dad!