Lifestyle change...encouragement needed :)

I am new to this site. Definitely not new to diet plans for sure. Tried everything with no motivation for fear of failure. Ready to lose my weight. I have had 2 children. One is 7 and the other is 15 months and its about past time of using them for my excuse. There is no excuse for laziness...I know. But, it's still there. I'm horrible about finishing things when I get downhearted. I'm scared I'll always be overweight. I want desperately for this to work.


  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! We can all use support and encouragement in this journey. You will certainly find lots of that here! Good luck to you!
  • strongmich2013
    strongmich2013 Posts: 14 Member
    You have made the first step so just stick with it. Get really involved in the site and seeing other people in the same boat will hopefully keep you motivated - that's what I'm hoping for anyways! I'm exactly the same when I get a bit downhearted, I give up. NOT THIS TIME! Add me if you want to be a weight loss buddy :)
  • candace13
    feel free to add me too, I have ad 3 kids and have put my foot down...trying to drop 30kg.
    You will find loads of encouragement on this site!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    You're not alone, I'm new as well and haven't had the best of luck with diets in the past. I think we just have to put our mind to and not detour. I think what I've lacked is the will power. So if you want, I'll be there for you...if you want just add me.
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    Take it one step at a time. Come up with a plan that works for you, something realistic that you can stick with long term, afterall, this has to be a lifestyle change, not just a "diet". Accept that there will be hurdles to jump, obstacles to overcome, and setbacks, but never let them get you so discouraged that you give up. You are worth it, and you can do it!! Best wishes to you :)
  • Mark_Winfield
    Mark_Winfield Posts: 5 Member
    To be honest you probably have done the hardest part, admitting that there is a problem and now looking for solutions to resolve the challenge (no longer a problem).
    As many will say if you read other message boards, it is not going to happen over night and you will need to be disciplined in monitoring what you are eating, ensuring you are eating the correct foods in a good balance.
    Gentle exercise will help, if you can make the time for it, and a suggestion if you are going to exercise, take all your measurements, you are likely to see the changes there first, before the scales.

    You have done the hard part, so now keep your focus and log everything, especially at the start, and if it is necessary weigh everything, that way you will give yourself the best chance to succeed. Remember MFP is about changing lifestyles, not dieting.....

    You can do this, just believe
  • kayla7jackson
    No one on here can make you believe in yourself. That needs to come from your heart first. You have two children to do this for. There is your inspiration, they are going to follow in your footsteps and you want to make good decisions for them. Not only will you lose weight but you will fell ultimately better! You will start dropping weight before you know it. I do not know if you have ever heard of Curves before but if I were you I would try it. It is the most amazing thing ever. You are in and out in 45 minutes and your whole workout. I hope you can find it in your heart to believe in yourself because I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. I am no where near perfect and never will be but i know for my health i need to lose weight, also i plan on getting married in the future and i do not want to shop for a wedding dress until i am down many sizes. This should make you feel better...i have 95 more pounds to lose, so we are in this together. You can add me if you would like and I would love to help encourage you to do the best you can not only for yourself but for your loved ones. :) Good luck!
  • purrteetea
    I completely understand how you feel! My daughter turns 8 this November and I am still trying to lose my pregnancy weight! I have tried every kind of diet, workout plan, pill, etc...I will lose a couple pounds and gain them right back. Lately, I have made it up in my mind that it didnt take over night to put it on and it's not going to take overnight to take them off...I have been losing a lb here and a lb there and it seems to be paying off. I dont kill myself in the gym anymore. I workout at least an hour on Saturdays...and may squeeze in a couple 30 minute workouts during the week if I FEEL like it. I think my biggest contributor to my gradual weight loss is PORTION SIZE! I no longer eat combo meals at my favorite fast food spots, but order just one item off the menu. I try to avoid fried foods (sometimes I just gotta have me some fried okra). I no longer eat junk foods as snacks but instead go for fruit, yogurt, half of a ham and cheese or pb and j sandwhich, etc. I cant give up my coffee, but other than that, I only drink water. I also eat something every 2-3 hours to avoid that STARVING feeling which always cause me to overeat. Lastly, I don't cut out things I crave completely. Sometimes I just gotta have me some Lays Potato chips, or a Snickers, or some Chocolate Chip cookies! So I eat em...I just dont over eat them. If the package says a serving of Chips a Hoy cookies is only 2 cookies...then thats all I eat. If a serving of chips approx 12 chips...then thats all I eat. You can do just have to find out what works for you because no 2 people are alike. We cannot be put on the same diet plan, etc and expect the same results. Eventually you will figure it out through a lot of trial and error. Oh, and one more thing...if you slip up every now and then, don't beat yourself up for it! Nobody is perfect! Just realize what caused you to slip up and come up with a way to avoid that slip in the future and keep moving and fun! Hope I was able to give you at least a little bit of encouragement :)