Bikram Yoga - did it work for you?

Hi all,

So I went to my first ever Bikram Yoga class last night and I loved it! I was just wondering if anyone's tried this for weight loss and any success stories really?! I certainly sweated more than ever before in it, so I'm guessing it'll be good for my weight loss as well as toning up, becoming more supple etc! x


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Weight loss is like 90% diet, so watch what you eat and any exercise will work.
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    I haven't tried it but one of co-workers did and she loved it also. I think she told me she tried it for a week and lost about 5-7 pounds, not sure if or how many inches she may have lost but she said she never felt better and she felt more energized!

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I have to say, when I got home from the class last night I felt amazing, I felt like I could've done the class all over again!!
    I'm aching today mind, but no pain no gain as they say! :smile: x
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    7 years ago I started Bikram Yoga and continued it for 3 years, twice a week. I absolutely loved it. Especially in the cold Vermont winters!!! I lost my first 30 pounds that first year and Bikram was my only excercise. I did change my eating habits also, but not drastically. Bikram helped me get lean. The only reason why I am not doing it now is because timing of classes does not work for my 3 active children. Continue with it and you will see results. Especially how much stronger you will feel and the bonus is the amount of peace you will have!

    Good luck
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I loved it!!!! I just couldn't keep up with it due to the cost. But I agree if you eat right and continue with this form of yoga and or anything else you will lose. This yoga really helps your mind as well it is Great over all!

    Good Luck ~ Namestay (I'm sure I didn't spell that right) :smile:
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I practice and love Bikram Yoga.... but I am still fairly new. I think it helped me to get 'unstuck' and experience a new break-through in my weight, but I think of it as a detox from every cell in your body.

    Namaste :happy:
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I want to try this so badly but I work FT, attend grad school FT, and am doing a 700-hour internship. One of my "treats" after I graduate is that I'm going to start attending yoga classes. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i started september 1 and while i haven't seen any weight loss because of it, i definitely feel better and have increased my flexibility. i have gone 10 (? maybe 11?) times so far.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanx for all your replies!!

    I went Sunday and this morning, and I love it! Just from those two classes I feel like I have more energy and I just feel good in myself! I'm hoping it helps with the weight loss, either way I'm feeling better and more focussed so hopefully they'll come hand in hand! x
  • missphoenix
    i love Bikram, didnt notice much weight loss effect and I have been practising on and off over the year, but its great for toning and wellbeing.