How to lose weight


How to lose weight 20 votes

Go for a walk
cokeke23ch1388 2 votes
Not eat so much
ninerbufftyediriavatiachquiksylver296ACSL3rolltidedeepfriedpattybo48chocorange35spiriteagle99VegjoyPSpoilascanbAira_RuwenzorRoughWatersCalmSailorevanessen59skellyc74californiagirl1969r_kathmandriganezis 18 votes
Not eat last night stuff
Not eat before going to bed
Working out at the gym


  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited September 2022
    You lose fat everywhere on your body by eating at a calorie deficit. Exercise is good for your overall health, but to lose fat, you need to eat in a deficit which when you set MFP up, it should have given you the calories you need to eat.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    Its going to end up being a combination of these thins. And most importantly it needs to be the right combination for you.

    I like to get up at silly o'clock every morning and run or swim before work. I do that because I like to, it wakes me up, is effective at managing my stress/mental health, and also helps a little bit towards some weight loss. I know a 5am wake up call isn't everyone's cup of tea :)

    You are going to have to eat a bit less if you want to lose some weight. That's how it works.

    What you eat is not so important as how much of it you eat. For example - I don't eat chocolate biscuits. If I could just have one and leave the packet alone that would be fine. I can't, I scoff the lot. So better to not have them. It isn't because they are bad as such, just that I would eat far to many of them. If I just eat a piece of fruit instead I just have that. Much better at filling me up.

    So your best bet is to go for a walk, or a run, or the gym if you like it. It has lots of benefits but won't help you lose much weight if you don't also eat less.

    I eat leftovers all the time, so don't think that eating last nights stuff would be bad as long as you have worked out the calories.
    It also doesn't matter when you eat. I don't eat before bed but plenty of people do.

    What you need to do is add up the calories of everything you are eating. Try and make sure you stick to the total that My fitness pal suggested. Then after a while things start to happen, and you can tweak things as you go along so that you have the programme that suits you.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited September 2022
    MFP = MY FITNESS PAL - the website you are on......
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    Not eat so much
    You can eat anything you like. You just have to eat less food than you burn in daily life. For most of us, it works to measure or weigh everything you eat, log it in your food diary, and then try to eat as close to your calorie goal as you can. Don't try to lose weight too quickly or you'll end up feeling hungry and overeat or give up on trying to lose weight.

    If you get hungry in the evening, just make sure you save enough calories during the day to allow for a snack at night. i.e. tonight I'll eat an apple after I take the dog for his nighttime walk. That should hold me until I fall asleep.
  • LiveOnceBeHappy
    LiveOnceBeHappy Posts: 433 Member
    You lose weight by being in calorie deficit, however you choose to do that. For me, when I was losing, I ate a lot fewer calories than I had previously and I walked a little more intentionally. Now that I am in maintenance, I still track and monitor my intake, but because I have more energy, I am way more active too. I bicycle now a lot and hike a fair amount. I have no interest in going to a gym, I will eat before bed if I want to an it fits in my calories, and I will not run anywhere unless chased. I lost 53 lbs and have been in maintenance now for about 5 or 6 months.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member