New friends

Hello my name is Gencarol and I’m from Greenville NC. I’m looking for friends to help me stay focused and on track. I’m looking for tips to help me on my weight loss and mindset journey.


  • dustiehagan975
    dustiehagan975 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Gencarol My name is Dustie. I just joined too. I’m currently reading a book called Push written by Chaleen Johnson. I also listen to her podcasts and have been for a couple years now. She is amazing and it’s really helping me get my stuff together. Best of luck 💜
  • nurkowskimarcus
    nurkowskimarcus Posts: 13 Member
    -Drink flavored water.
    -Eat low carb foods for breakfast.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hey Gencarol, I'm Jen, also from NC, but on the other end of the state. Best wishes to you!
  • RaJulieMa
    RaJulieMa Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Gencarol! I grew up in NC and am also starting my journey (or restarting for the 50th time). I don't really have any tips other than what is currently helping me:

    I repeat to myself every time I have to make a decision about food: "a healthy life is worth it. I am worth it."

    I have so much shame caught up in my weight and appearance. I'm working on loving myself, giving myself some grace and connecting in my brain that those bad decisions I had been making made me feel good in the moment, but weren't really showing love for myself.