Losing 20lbs or less!

I just wanted to meet some people with a similar weight loss goal as me so we can compare our routines, diet versus results. I understand that the less you need to lose, the harder and longer it will be. I am 5'0, 126lbs with a goal of 110lbs then I will re-evaluate. What about you? Post your SW and GW and what you have been doing to get to that GW. If you have already lost the lbs, share your tips!


  • Scoo1188
    I'm abut 5'0" also, I currently weigh about 123, and I'd like to be right around 105...I got up to 128, and started freaking out because I have a very sendentary lifestyle--I work at a desk all day.
    Anyway, I have cut out coffee, sugar, soda, fried food, and white food. I'm mostly eating lean protein, veggies, etc. I already FEEL so much better! I'm also doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred to see how much weight I can get off in 30 days. I'm only on day 6, and am maintaining my weight at 123.
  • lisa3605
    I'm 5' 1", 135....got weighed the other day at the docs (first time in over a year)! I would like to get down to 120-117.
  • lauram_23
    lauram_23 Posts: 141 Member
    I reached 128 as well and realized that my metabolism was not what it used to be! I have a desk job as well so I know how you feel. I did 30DS about a year ago for a few weeks (never made it past level 1) but it felt great so I may have to start that up again. The only problem is right now until Decembr 11th, I am working my full time job as well as my part-time job so 8:30-9pm and just cannot fathom exercising after that. The full time is a desk job but the part time I do a fair bit of walking/standing/stairs so I hope it is enough until my last shift there December 11th. Anyways, let me know how the 30days works for you!
  • newmrswood
    HEY! I'm 5'0" 122 and trying to get to 110. My big thing I'm having to cut out is soda, I'm a Dr. Pepper addict lol. Feel free to add me to swap ideas and what nots
  • Carrie704
    I'm 5' 2 and trying to hit 115. I'm a little under 125 now and have lost some already. Feel free to add me. I can use more support!
  • Scoo1188
    The good thing about the 30DS is it's only 20 minutes! Add me if you want. We can do it together and support each other.
    Of course--I only work one full-time job, so it's much easier said than done I'm sure since you'll be working such long days. Yikes!
    Seems like we're all around the same height and have similar goals.
    Go ahead and add me.
    We can do this!
  • brooklyn_87
    brooklyn_87 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'6", current weight around 130, goal weight around 110. I recently graduated college and am having a difficult time adjusting to having a desk job where I sit the entire day! I just joined a gym a couple weeks ago so I'm trying various group fitness classes (I like the variety and motivation that comes with them).
  • Scoo1188
    brooklyn--I think 130 is a good weight for someone your height. At 110, you'd definitely be underweight! My doctor told me 105-110 is a good weight for someone my height--not quite 5'1"
    Just try to maintain where you're at and tone up if need be, but I think 130 is perfect.
  • lauram_23
    lauram_23 Posts: 141 Member
    I have an idea, because we all have similar weight loss goals let's see who loses the most weight by the end of this year (December 31st). Then we can bug that person and ask how they did it :P
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'-0 also, and weighing in at my highest "not pregnant" weight of 127-128. I would like to be down to a minimum of 115, but would really like to get to 110.....
    I am starting 30 day shred again tonight, i also have the 6wk6pack dvd that i need to restart again!
  • lauram_23
    lauram_23 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 5'-0 also, and weighing in at my highest "not pregnant" weight of 127-128. I would like to be down to a minimum of 115, but would really like to get to 110.....
    I am starting 30 day shred again tonight, i also have the 6wk6pack dvd that i need to restart again!

    Although I work until 9pm, I am going to try and do the 30DS tonight because it is only 23 minutes and as much as it kicked my *kitten* the last time I did it, It feels so damn good to be in that much pain once it's over! We are both the same height, starting at the same weight and wanting to end at the same weight. We should post our measurements and compare after the 30days. I also find it freaky that your husbands name is Jay, my SO is Jay as well. Good Luck to us!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm 5'3" (barely) and I currently weigh 136. I would love to finish this journey at around 120 lbs... I think that would be a good weight for me.

    I feel for those of you with desk jobs...it's so hard to fit in exercise after being at work Mon-Fri, sitting in front of a computer. I blame my last job for a decent bit of my weight gain...Now that I'm back into actual nursing work, I'm walking a lot more and feeling better about going to the gym on my days off!

    My plan for now is to stay within my calorie goals and work out at least 3 days a week for an hour each. I do plan to eat back my exercise calories...or atleast most of them. The problem with being a shortie with less than 20 lbs to go is that I don't get many allotted calories when I'm striving to lose 1 lb per week. 1360 is not a lot...I'm a girl who LOVES to eat! :laugh: Probably how I ended up here in the first place!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support and encouragement! We all need it! :)
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Hello, I'm 4'11'' and would like to lose the last 2-7lbs. I'm currently 112 and would like to be between 105-110. Add me if you like. :)