Brand New: Needing Buddies to Do This Damn Thang! : )

Hi! I am new to MFP and am wanting to make some buddies to help encourage me in weightloss, but more importantly ... getting my rear end to exercise. I am also encouraged by hearing your stories! And look forward to being able to encourage you and maybe make you giggle on occassion as we "do this damn thang!" : )


  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Hey there, I am always looking for more buddies to help support each other and take on this evil monster thats been hanging over my head for soooooo long!
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome :)
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I am always up for a good giggle! How will you accomplish this? Let's start now... 1,2,3... GO!

    (Feel free to add me.)
  • Hey, Im new too and needing buddies too hahaha. Weight loss sucks, but we have to do it. I'll be ur weight loss buddy too.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I am an awesome cheerleader so please feel free to add me to your buddy list. I cheer for you and you cheer for me???? Good luck to ya!
  • Feel free to add! We need all the motivation we can get!
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    Love to offer and receive support so feel free to friend me.
    It just sucks at times, but we all know it will be worth it in the least that is what the successful people have said. :smile:
    I am in this for real, no giving up regardless of the speed bumps, road blocks or set backs.

    p.s. love your pig icon
  • dlphncole
    dlphncole Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me! Always up for a good laugh! :happy:
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I'm always looking for additional support. Feel free to add me.
  • My son introduced this to me a couple of weeks ago, but didn't really use it until yesterday. Going for some fast weight loss in the next 3 weeks, and maybe make some permanant eating changes ( they say it takes 3 weeks to break a bad habit). Encourage me along and I will encourage you. Together we can do this!

    170.4 as of today
    150 is mini goal
    125 goal
  • Hi Guys, i'm new to and happy to have as many friends as possible, xx:tongue:
  • Corpsebride08
    Corpsebride08 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Everyone feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Sounds like you are more than ready! Awesome! lol I feel like I'm on here all day, add me if you like although I can be critical lol
  • dmoshette
    dmoshette Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! I'm a newbie too!
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I just joined last and have 2 people i have friended... feel free to add me anyone.
  • mybutterfly63
    mybutterfly63 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other!
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    welcome! feel free to add me...I need all the help I can get to get back on board and stay there!
  • Ok so you sound like a great asset...i love to laugh and you're first post did make me laugh! Everything is easier when we can laugh and enjoy ourselves!