1 Month Challenge - Day 5

Good Morning Challenge Buddies!

How's it going? I've been logging everyday, and being on the site has inspired me to kick my butt into gear on the exercise thing. It's also helped me realize that even though I was choosing low calorie snacks throughout the day, they were still adding up to a couple hundred extra calories! I was getting tall skim lattes and nature's valley granola bars and such, but was surprised one day this week to realize that I had added 400 calories to my day through snacking! It was a good thing to realize, and I wouldn't have if I weren't consistently tracking.

Anybody else have any realizations this week that are helping them?

Oo, also! Started Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday, and lost 1.5 lbs! It's the first change in the scale I've seen in almost 2 weeks!

Rock on, challengers! Sending some love and wishing you a healthy day!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • Congrats.. i was looking at the same thing in my food log..
  • Yesterday was your 1st day, and you already lost 1.5..Thats great..congrats
  • Yes, I realized that in my first week also. Little snack can turn into big calories. Congrads on your lost.
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 239 Member
    I know what you mean about small snacks = big calories!!
    I was drinking either 87 cal cappuccinos/97 cal Irish Cream Lattes three or even four times a day, a cookie or two here and there etc., and it was literally adding on hundreds of extra cals a day!! Couldn't believe it!!
    WOW, WOW, WOW on the 1.5 lbs Lara!!!!
    Best of luck for tomorrow all!