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Recipe Serving Size Yieldings

Hello, I was wondering if you could tell us exactly how many cups, ounces, etc. are in a serving for each recipe. For example, instead of just saying “serves 4” can you break it down to “each serving yields 1 cup.” I need to know exactly how much of something to eat. TIA!
4 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,912 Member
    How would MFP do that? Foods change weight and volume when cooked, and MFP doesn't know how much the total weight/volume of the finished dish is.

    Also: how much to eat really depends on you: your calorie goal, but also how you want to spread your calories over the day.

    My suggestions:
    - don't use volume measurements, but weigh your food, much more accurate
    - weigh the finished dish and with the recipe logged (total calorie count known) you can calculate yourself how much your serving should be based on how many calories you want to consume
  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    Lietchi has the right of it. The various types of measurements used in a recipe make it really hard for the system to sort out what the final product is going to shape out. Give it your best guess when you first make it and then edit the recipe if you're finding that the total servings are higher or lower than you first thought.

    Happy cooking!
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    I think she means in the recipes the site provides. Not her own recipes. And I think it would be nice if it did that as well.
  • JDavidPugh
    JDavidPugh Posts: 25 Member
    This would not be hard to implement.........Just give us a spot to enter the weight and volume of the finished recipe. Then we can log it anyway we need to.......