Voices in my head.

Last night I had a real hard time sleeping because all I wanted to do was get up, go to the fridge and eat something. All I hear in my head is "it'll be okay, just grab something small to eat". It has been something I have struggled with for the past 20 years. I fight with that little voice in my head telling that it'll be okay and it always seems to win. I hope that this website can be that support that I need to help me get through the day. Wish me luck!!!


  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Good Luck and I know I have the same problem. Stay strong and you will win.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I call that voice Inner-Jabba. I beat down inner-jabba with a hickory stick. He shuts up now. ;)

    In actuality I keep most food out of my house now. That's how I have dealt with snacking. I keep in my house the food I eat for that day's meal.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Tell the voice in your head that you are going to workout instead of going to the fridge...good luck with the voices. Set your goals and put them up on the fridge so that if you give in to the voices and head to the fridge, you will see your goals and go back to bed feeling full of pride instead of food.
  • htown1224
    I appreciate the encouragement!! It helps!
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    i have the same problem and i tend to have a huge inner fight with myself , sometimes i forget and argue out loud lol. i tend to keep most food that would tempt me out of the house and i try to find something else to distract myself with when that voice starts...dont let it beat you good luck :)
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Something you might want to try is allowing yourself a small snack before you go to bed? I meal plan my calorie intake and I always incorporate a little treat before I go to bed, even if its just a cheese stick or a small wrap. Then you can tell that little voice "you've already been fed" and go back to sleep. ;)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I find it helps to keep rice cakes, Weight watchers mini ice cream cups, coke zero, etc in my kitchen and when I feel the inner voice try to take over I grab something sweet like that and it seems satisfied. This is better than grabbing a bag of chips or a couple cookies, I think the inner voice will always be there but as long as you meet it half way it will calm down. Denying yourself treats every once in awhile will only make him louder. I also make sure this is already incorporated into my meal plans and if I don't eat it's just less calories for the day! Just a thought :)
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Tell them very firmly to "SHUT UP"
    LOL, those would be the little tricksters that want you to mess up, don't give in to them. Instead have water to give your stomach a little fill up. Try that and see if it curbs your voices, if not try celery or carrots to give you a chewing feeling.

    I have found that some popcorn around 8pm helps with late night snacking (light) of course and I usually share it with my dogs.

    ***(For all those animal activists out there
    NOT a regular activity, Popcorn bothers my teeth so I don't eat it often)
  • mccgivens
    Last night I had a real hard time sleeping because all I wanted to do was get up, go to the fridge and eat something. All I hear in my head is "it'll be okay, just grab something small to eat". It has been something I have struggled with for the past 20 years. I fight with that little voice in my head telling that it'll be okay and it always seems to win. I hope that this website can be that support that I need to help me get through the day. Wish me luck!!!

    I know everyone is different but when that happens to me, I get up and fix a cup of coffee. I know it's caffeine but it's better than the alternative (stuffing my face). I use instant coffee for times like that but they also sell the decaf. You might even try some hot tea if that's what you like. Night time is very difficult sometimes. Good luck!
  • mccgivens
    I might have to try some of these ideas...
  • lkblazek
    I've started having that problem in the last year. Never had it before then. I have found that having an Atkins bar about an hour before bed (that late night snack) helps tremendously. The bars are between 140-190 calories, depending on your favorite. Good Luck.