I'm new! Share your tips with me!

I am 27 and lost almost 20 lbs last summer before my wedding -- didn't reach my goal, but felt better than ever. When my husband of 6 weeks was diagnosed with testicular cancer, I was unable to keep up my healthy habits and routines. I've gained back some of the weight I had lost, and now feel as though I'm starting over.

I love food. I love food that is not good for me. My biggest challenge is learning to love food that IS good for me, and learning how to eat the other stuff in moderation. Cheesy pizza and mexican food will always be around...and I will always want to eat them. I hope that by logging the work that I do and the food that I eat, I'll be able to change my lifestyle even when faced with high-calorie foods.

Also, I'm really getting into the whole crock pot craze. I eat a lot of chicken and veggies, but love to make things with rich flavors. Please share your recipes with me, I love trying new things!


  • rjlarry
    rjlarry Posts: 15 Member
    Good Luck! ive been going on for over a week now and fell to Buffalo Wild wings and A Mexican place by my house. 9lbs the first week and gained back 3 last night... Its tough.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Tip - Don't fall for the "diet" food scam. Healthy doesn't mean boring. http://healthydoesntmeanboring.blogspot.com/

  • sweetpee4943
    Youre definately eating for comfort, try and find to relieve your stress and worry, Try Praying/Meditation or Punching bag, Zumba or crafts or anything that will comfort you other than eating...Thats what i do...Good Luck!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I have found that you can literally eat what you want (in moderation of course) log EVERYTHING that you eat or drink, stay within your calorie goal daily, drink all of your water a minimum of 8 glasses a day :drinker: , excercise, and just enjoy life.
    When you want a piece of cheese pizza, only eat one slice, not 4. :wink: and when you want mexican food, log everything that you eat, and don't overdo it. before long your stomach will shrink and you will be full before you know it, so don't eat so fast either, then you will be overstuffed.:grumble:
    You can do this.
    Surround yourself with great friends here on MFP. That helps so much :heart:
    Good luck
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    My tips for you:

    Log Everything
    start a little bit at a time until you can do it well
    learn a little about nutrition, not just diet
    exercise, start where you don't over do it and increase as you can
    allow yourself to make a mistake, pick up start again
    challenge your self, set small goals as well as big ones

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    My tips for you:

    Log Everything
    start a little bit at a time until you can do it well
    learn a little about nutrition, not just diet
    exercise, start where you don't over do it and increase as you can
    allow yourself to make a mistake, pick up start again
    challenge your self, set small goals as well as big ones


    excellent tips! I would also add:

    fill out your profile and be as forthright as you can with yourself. review your notes/motivations/inspirations/goals OFTEN. the mental part of the journey can be harder than the physical part of it.

    as for pizza, I love me some pizza too...but I learned to eat it in moderation. I found that 2 pieces of a normal cheese or veggie pizza is enough to fill me up. beyond that, I'm eating simply because it tastes good. Also, if you have a Papa Murphy's in your town, order the delite/thin crust pizzas. They are SUPER YUMMY and a slice of cheese with thin crust from PM's is only 150 or 160 calories. you could easily fit 2 of those slices in your calorie count for the day.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Some people have cheat days or cheat meals to not feel deprived. I plan on one cheat meal and sometimes the whole day accidentally went with unhealthy food. Drink lots of water and get back to logging the next day. One day won't mess up a whole week of eating healthy. I've actually come to enjoy the healthy foods more. I don't feel bad at parties...I'll choose what I'll eat with small portions (when healthy food is not available) and my weight has not changed 'cause I exercised... Well that was all before I got preggo. I keep my exercise and healthy eating habits now as I gain little by little.

    I have a quick healthy crockpot recipe Its Pizza chicken:
    Like 5 chicken breasts
    whole can Spaghetti sauce
    Season Chicken with salt, put everything on high 4 hrs or low 8 hrs and you have an effortless lunch or dinner. I think is about 140 cals 4oz chicken and 1/4 cup sauce serving.
  • Good Luck! ive been going on for over a week now and fell to Buffalo Wild wings and A Mexican place by my house. 9lbs the first week and gained back 3 last night... Its tough.

    Buffalo Wild Wings is the bessssst! Just keep in mind that each wing is like 75 calories. OUCH! SOOOO goooood....yet SOOOOO BAD! =[