New here help me

Have no idea how to work out or eat right…and I’m not a teenager anymore so help me


  • Jacki916W
    Jacki916W Posts: 114 Member
    Hi jamaicaspoinedlike and welcome in! You're going to find TONS of support here it will shock you. I am not a teenager anymore either... a time when my weight was NEVER an issue and I was popular and I was friends with everyone from football players to "stoners" and I was carefree and loving life. Boy, those were the days...anyway, enough day-dreaming about the past - fast forward to current day... I'm now 52, have a son that is 33, have a grandson that is 10 and I want to be around for them. I want to see my grandson get married and have his own kids and I was headed in the wrong direction for that to happen, I was sure I was going to only live another 10 years, if that, at my worst. I had no idea how to work out or eat right either. I got myself a dietician and a therapist (along with a surgeon for gastric sleeve surgery). The surgery is NOT the easy way out, btw, it is the FINAL chance to get it right. It's just a tool... you still have to do all the hard work yourself to keep from going right back to where you started from. So, like I was saying, I got a therapist (I use "" and they take HSA cards and you tell them what your issues are and it takes them a day or two, but they find you a therapist who matches ALL of your needs - I don't even know how they do that because my needs ranged from life after surgery to mental challenges that plague me, to the fact that I have been diagnosed a severe insomniac and only get about 2 hours of sleep a night.) and a dietician. With the help of them, I slowly learned how to do all of those things you want to accomplish yourself. I started meeting with the dietician about 2 weeks prior to my surgery and I was almost bedridden - so close... and she convinced me to walk 5 minutes a WEEK, not a day, a WEEK. And some weeks I couldn't even manage to get myself to do that. Now, I'm up to 45 minutes a DAY, every day. And I found a "fat person" on YouTube who does full body work outs with dumbbells for plus size people, or people with mobility issues, or injuries. So her workouts kick your butt, don't get me wrong, but they don't ask you to do things you cannot do (like getting on the floor and doing sit-ups - she has you do standing crunches) Anyway, I learned how to work out and eat right with the help of those people. And I want to share what I've learned to (as springlering62 told me to) pay it forward. Springlering62 was the my first MFP friend and she suggested groups to join or at least look at and people to try to invite as friends who were very supportive, etc. So, we will all be here to help you.. you just need to ask - ask anything and you will get help here. I'm not sure where your at right now.. what your goals are where you are starting from.. you should share those things so we can help you even more. It helps to know someone's journey so you can help them through it, ya' know? So, like I said, I'm more than happy to share what I've learned about getting health, exercising and eating right, you just need to let me know what you are looking to do.... 💕
  • Breezie2022
    Breezie2022 Posts: 6 Member
    Best advice I can give you: baby steps!!! Choose one small change to make that you think you can easily handle (example: quit soda, drink water) and once that becomes second nature, add another! Try to avoid getting too stuck on the “diet” mindset and focus on long term healthy habits.

    You’re here so you’ve already taken a big first step!! Keep it up! ❤️