I need someone to HELP me!!!

Hello, I would like to find friends that would keep me accountable, to logging on each day and logging my food. I have 4 months till I set sail on my first ever cruise and my first ever long alone vacation with my wonderful husband. I do so good for a few days and then I slip back into my really bad habits. I have had these habits for over 2 decades and I know they will not go away in a day or so, but I want to take CONTROL over my life and my weight. When I am exercising, making good healthy eating choices, logging my food, I feel so good about myself like I can take on the world, and then there are the days when I don't make it to the gym and I don't leave the kitchen and then I feel down in the dumps. I am tired of this rollercoaster and want to finally win this battle! I will take any help that anyone has to offer! Thank you, Tracy


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I don't know how much help or advice I can give you, but you can add me if you like :)
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Hey Tracy! Welcome to MFP. I think a cruise is an awesome vacation (I've been on 5 so far). I wish you the best of luck. Feel free to add me if you'd like support!
  • Lisalisa_67
    Hi, you can add me also. I can try to help. But I am very new to this. I just had weight lost surgery at the end of August, this is helping me be accountable for what I do lol
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    This whole weight loss journey is a battle for everyone.. the fact you're willing to take it on says alot! MFP is a wonderful place and extremely inspirational and motivational! Feel free to add me if you'd like! Good luck! :)
  • iwineveryday75
    iwineveryday75 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Tracey you can add me if you would like. I understand how you feel. I really don't have a support system from my family (if it were up to my hubby I would stay overweight) so MFP is a big help. You can do it we are here for ya!-Ana :flowerforyou:
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I was reading your profile, what a sad but at the same time lovely story. I wish you all the best in your journey and am sure you will get there, especially with the strong motivation you have for this. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • wendyc122005
    Feel free to add me. I too have a decades long battle with my bad habits and poor choices. I started my change 3 months ago and although not perfect I have found a healthier lifestyle that I am enjoying. I will be happy to share with you what I have learned.
  • sardrey
    You can do it! Put it in your calendar and make it an appointment if you have to. That way you carve out time each day to record what you have eaten. One day at a time.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Look at my profile and add me if you like.
  • mikichu
    Hey Tracy!!!
    Let's keep in touch and motivate each other.
    Do you have an iPhone? If so...get the myfitnesspal ap and whenever you start to select a food item...scan the barcode on the package to see all of the good and bad in that meal/snack.
    THen, you can decide...should I? Do I?
    I just started working out with a trainer three days/week but the other days are difficult and I struggle with finding cardio activities to perform.
    Keep your eye on the prize...better health, more energy, a banging body, and better mental health.
    The ap on my phone has been wonderful...it causes me to be more accountable.

    Good luck!

  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    I am also going on my first cruise this May! I've heard it takes at least 3 weeks to form a habit, so maybe trying to stick with it for at least that long will help to turn the good habits into your regular routine. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck!
  • Sarahdangerfox
    I know how hard this can be- the thing that has saved me in the past has been a daily phone call with my mom, who also struggles with weight loss. It's like in AA when they give you a sponsor! That daily call- have you tracked your calories today? Or, somebody to call when you are craving fast food so badly you think you'll explode, to talk you down.

    Do you have a buddy who can be your sponsor? Your husband maybe?
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome--remember small baby steps. One step at a time. Don't focus on the big numbers.
  • tgs2401
    Attitude is a way of life. We have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. As they say, the only difference between a good day and a bad day, is your attitude. We cannot change our past, or we cannot change the way certain people think. We cannot change what's inevitable.However, the only thing we can possibly change to deal with situations better, is our attitude.

    Attitude determines outcome. This truth is accepted by most of the successful people of the world, whether it is a doctor going for a surgery, or a businessman launching a new venture. It is attitude that provides them the winning edge. Thus, a correct and a wilful attitude is the key to success.

    Attitude reflects behaviour. One's attitude towards the other, determines the other's attitude towards him. If one smiles at the other, the other may smile back; while if one acts hard-nosed with the other, the other is likely to snap at him.

    Man is the master of his own destiny. He can very well manipulate his grief or happiness, by choosing the correct attitude. With a positive outlook, he can overcome his grief with ease, and follow the pursuit of happiness. This can be justified with a famous quote:

    "He, who has so little knowledge of human nature, as to seek happiness, by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts, and multiply the grief he purposes to remove."

    Hence, in a nutshell, attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than the money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes or reality.

    I am strongly convinced that life is, only 10% of what happens to me, and 90% of how I react to it.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    sadly, you've seen firsthand that too much extra weight can lead to an early exit. that, and your desire to be around for your 4 wonderful children, should provide a ton of motivation. in addition to writing down why you want to lose weight, write down what you hate about being overweight. be brutally honest. you're going to want to review these things whenever your mindset starts to falter.

    now, here are some ideas that might help you with the physical part of your journey. getting out of bad habits isn't easy, but it can be done...and there are some things you can do to help. first, find yourself a glycemic index chart. aim for foods that have a low GI value and avoid foods in the middle and high ranges. Foods with middle and high GI values create insulin spikes and that's what physcially creates cravings (you can also have mental cravings as well...and that's where you review your brutally honest profile page, drink some water, and remind yourself of your beautiful children and your journey).

    second, drink water. drink lots of water. if possible, drink water to the exclusion of other liquids. recent studies have shown that diet sodas (despite being 0 calories) may contribute to weight gain...and that's a function of how the chemicals in those science experiments create cravings for sugar.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    You can add me too if you like. I'm no expert but can definately wave high. Honestly, seeing other people who you have added working hard and having success is motivating. I also find browsing the success story and other threads often keeps me positive and reminds me to keep going. It can work for you too, you just have to get yourself here. Set an alarm to "log into MFP" :-) You can do this!
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    Hi Tracy, I've gained weight and lost weight over and over throughout the years. You used one very important word, "HABIT." Habits--that's exactly what they are--and they're hard to break. I like to think of weight loss like building a house. Every time I lost weight the one habit that I changed was EXERCISE. When I stopped exercising, I stopped losing weight and even gained it all back, sometimes plus more! Start with exercise. Create that habit. Do it first. Go to the gym in the morning. If you can do that one thing, everything else falls into place. Soon you will find that going to the gym is a habit. You will feel like something is missing if you don't go. I get up at 4:30 am to do it because I have a full time job and know I won't do it after work. Start with that one component and see what happens.

    Also, I like to watch "The Biggest Loser." It is inspirational. The new season started last night, and I have it TEVO'd. I can't wait to watch and get some inspiration from people who have more to lose than I do.

    If you haven't gone to the gym today, DO IT NOW! Even if you only go for 15 minutes. Sometimes I tell myself I'll only go for 15 minutes and I end up staying and getting the best workout of my life. I'd say "good luck" but I don't need to. I know you can do it without luck!:flowerforyou:
  • CharlotteAmmann
    Hi Tracy, no problem! You can do it! If you need some more advice contact me. Or even better Skype me: charlotte.ammann. What do you have for breakfast? It's THE important meal to start your day. Watch the Sugar and if you need a better thing than what you are having now, let me know. I'm having the best Breakfast ever so I can handle the day better! Ad me if you like! If not: Good Luck!
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    If you would like to add me...:bigsmile:

    I try the best I can to be an encouragement:flowerforyou: to the friends:heart: I have on here... there are days when life gets in the way:ohwell: , but I always come back:smile: ... some days I put on my stern face ---> :angry: and get on them, but it is only with best intentions! (I think they feel comfy putting on their stern face:angry: with me too!)

    Good Luck!:heart:

    :flowerforyou: ~ Sonia

    PS... Drink your water:drinker: !!! :angry: <--- (my stern mom face):laugh:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Tracy dear, one of the things I LOVE about mfp is that I can calculate how long I spent cooking or cleaning on a day I did not get to the gym, and it will tell me how many calories I burned. We can get credit for the work we do at home! So later, when I do some gardening, if I'm too sore to go to the gym, I can log in the time I gardened and see that I did NOT fail today!
    I've only been using mfp for a little more than two weeks now, so I can't say "and I lost _____ pounds!" (which I know would give me more credibility), but for me, it has been the feeling of failure that kept me bouncing back and forth. I love that I get to see here that an "off" day isn't failure, it's just different. If I don't like the difference in today, I can change it tomorrow!