Trainer's words today ...

So I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and have been going 3x a week, burning an average of 1400 (on spinning class days) to 800 on my own w/the arc training and some free weights. Pretty proud of myself and happy to see how much I can actually sweat. So with a new gym membership comes a free consultation with a personal trainer. it's free.. what the heck. basically she told me that w/out one on one training I will never see results or meet my goals. She said working out will make me feel great and that's about all unless I have a game plan and follow the watchful eye of a trainer 2 to 3x a week.
for $400+ a month.. I do not think so. If I had money to burn.. sure... but totally not in my budget.
What do you think? Is she right? .. any advise ? (I'd like to loose a good 15 lbs).


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    that is nonsense, you can get great results without a trainer. i do think they may be useful to help some people learn how to do lifts correctly though. usually trainers spout lots of nutritional nonsense that is better ignored
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    You can totally do it by yourself, they just want you to spend money.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Is there another gym you can go to? I wouldn't even go there anymore. Such nonsense.
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    i would tell you that too if it were going to mean that you would pay me $400 a month lol
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I work with a trainer, but that's because at the beginning I didn't have enough motivation on my own. We started with twice per week sessions, and are now down to one per week with a weekly group bootcamp. I find that now that I'm closer to my goal, she focuses more on the areas I tend to forget (or intentionally ignore :tongue: ). I pay $40 per session, but have budgeted for it at this point (been going for 9 months).
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Don't waste your money - especially on someone like that. Even if you went with a a trainer, I'd pick someone a lot more supportive. Besides, there are always trainer tips and videos on you tube for free.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I lost 62 pounds all by myself, she only makes money if she gets people to sign up with her so of course she would tell you that.
  • lrhodes49
    lrhodes49 Posts: 12 Member
    I just joined on 9/16/11 and I just read your post. I think it's sad that they would tell you that. I believe that a good trainer would be able to show you how to work the machines and weights to give you the tools to achieve your goals. It's up to you to make this work just like for everyone else. I am rooting for you to meet you goal of 15lbs. I would like to lose 30lbs. Sad thing is I have lost it before and just gained it back over 3 years. Slow and steady wins the race. GOOD LUCK!
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Utter nonsense! Wonder how many ppl that's worked on! Bet she's on commission! Plenty of people on here have lost tonnes of weight and I doubt they all hav personal trainers to see 3x a week!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Waste of money. I went to a trainer because I was concerned with form and wanted help, and it was usless. He was 1/2 as hard on me as I was on myself, and I would have to go work out on my own afterwards. If you want motivation try group classes instead! Then you are motivated to keep up with people in better shape than you.
  • MrsVagus
    That's her job and her opinion- I've known a lot of people that are successful without a trainer, and people who need that kind of help and support. When you're paying big money for something like that, you bet your bottom you're going to do it- monetary incentives can be huge.

    Whatever you choose is fine as long as you stick with it!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I liked working with my trainer because I didn't want to do anything with weights that was going hurt myself. Plus he was a nice guy and a motivator. He made me feel empowered by him, though, not dependent on him.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    What a fraud! You have only 15 lbs to lose and yet a trainer wants to charge you that, and also insult you into the bargain????
    Have faith in yourself, you can do just fine on your own, and everyone here will support you, so you are never alone.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    They always do that. Ignore it.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    yes there are benefits to working with a trainer, they keep you motivated, they can help you target specific areas, they can make sure you are lifting/using machine properly, if they are very good they can also give you nutritional tips, pre/post work-out foods and schedules etc. However, these are also things that are found easily through most fitness or nutrition websites, through consultations with your doctor, and from the free one on one that you had with her. I personally wouldn't spend that money monthly for her. Working on your own allows you to make it your committment on your time frame and with what works in your life, it forces you to find adaptations and make them. What happens when you stop seeing her if the only motivation you had was well im paying her and this is my scheduled time so i have to go....then you aren't doing it for yourself or learning how to adapt your own lifestyle, and you are not learning these things at a very expensive price. Just my thoughts..
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    So I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and have been going 3x a week, burning an average of 1400 (on spinning class days) to 800 on my own w/the arc training and some free weights. Pretty proud of myself and happy to see how much I can actually sweat. So with a new gym membership comes a free consultation with a personal trainer. it's free.. what the heck. basically she told me that w/out one on one training I will never see results or meet my goals. She said working out will make me feel great and that's about all unless I have a game plan and follow the watchful eye of a trainer 2 to 3x a week.
    for $400+ a month.. I do not think so. If I had money to burn.. sure... but totally not in my budget.
    What do you think? Is she right? .. any advise ? (I'd like to loose a good 15 lbs).

    you can absolutely get great results without a trainer. of course, it doesn't hurt to check read some material on exercise and check out youtube videos and free sites such as for ideas and proper form.

    also, I don't mean to discourage you in any means, but you might want to get a HRM (with a chest strap) to check actual calories burned. The only time I approached 1,400 calories burned is when I rode my bike for 2 1/2 hours. Anyway, I'm not trying to discourage you...obviously you are working hard...but I don't want you relying on an inaccurate number and then eating more than you should and not losing weight.
  • grimrpr
    A trainer is not necessary. They are HELPFUL. but not necessary. Remember to mix up your exercises. Try new things. If you don't eventually your muscles will plateau and stop growing. THIS is when a trainer can say ok, lets try this...

    Then again.. there is youtube. and has a huge exercises section with quick 30 second video's on HOW to do the exercises. Assuming you can get past the incredible hulk DOING the exercises..
  • MarsChallenge
    MarsChallenge Posts: 84 Member
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds like a hard sales pitch to me! I work with a trainer and find it to be invaluable. And, he doesn't have that attitude that I can't do the work without him. Go for it on your doesn't sound productive!
  • msjamartin
    I've lost 130+ lbs on my own without a trainer. I just added a trainer once a week to work on my strength training specifically. He wanted me to do twice a week for a year, I committed to once a week for 6 months. No way could I afford more but I felt that I needed it to take me to the next level and finish my last 60lbs. They of course want more time with you as this is their livelyhood. A good trainer will give you their opinion on what they would like you to do but will also understand what you are able to commit to financially and time.

    You can do it on your own. You can do it with a trainer. You can add in group sessions.

    I do agree you need a plan and a focus, however you don't have to have a trainer to create that plan.