Trainer's words today ...



  • MarsChallenge
    MarsChallenge Posts: 84 Member
    I do have a polar hrm .. and love it. That day was 20 mins on the arc, 45 mins of spinning, and then about 30+ mins of abs w/ a stability ball.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    As a Trainer myself, I can say that the majority of Big Box gyms like that which offer a free consult do so with the only intent to sell you training, usually with a generic program that's given to everyone.

    I've worked in few places where honestly their primary mandate was "to make the workouts fun" rather than have them see results. needless to day, our philosophies didn't match.

    There are alot of bad trainers on there, so don't be taken in by a sales pitch or guilt pressure.

    In my experience, the best trainers as the ones who share their knowledge hands on and show you differences so that you naturally WANT to work with them on a "Personal" level (pun intended). If you want a coach, you'll find one that's right for you when you're actually looking for something specific....not when they gym is pressuring you to spend money.

  • LeslieAJ
    LeslieAJ Posts: 10 Member
    Don't fall for it. I lost 72 pounds on my own using walking and DVD workouts for my daily exercise. Of course, 80% is diet and I was tracking my meals as well. I joined a gym hoping to pick up some pointers and keep myself motivated. I was given exactly the same speech. I took an offer for 7 personal trainer workouts at a reduced rate with my membership. I liked the trainer, but he did not teach me anything new. I specifically wanted to improve my swimming, and was told the trainer would work with me in the pool for my 7 hours. He had excuses every time, and we did weights, treadmills, and track exercises, but not once in the pool. I ended up not renewing the membership when it expired. I took a C25K class this summer instead, and really learned a lot from the running coach. I think individual classes which are relatively inexpensive through public schools and community colleges are probably much better for the budget and meeting individual goals for fitness. Good Luck!
  • A trainer certainly can help, but if you are motivated enough on your own, go for it!! Sometimes the motivation of a friend or workout buddy works just as well.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Not sure about your area, but where I live the local rec centre has a workout room. When you sign up to join they make you sign up for a 1 hour session where they show you how to use the machines. Other than that you have all the access you want to the machines, the track and the pool! You just have to pay your membership fee once a year and they have a sliding scale of fees.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I can't believe trainers say this crap. I'd never hire a trainer who told me I wouldn't see results without forking over $400 a month. Ridiculous.

    I do have a trainer who I see twice a month to make it affordable, and I find it very useful and I know I'm doing more than I would otherwise. But having a trainer is a TOOL, not a requirement!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    That's total crap...I got a free personal training session (actually 4), and my trainer set up a workout for me so that I know what to do, how much to lift, how often, and have proper form so that I can do it on my own. You so don't need a trainer for every time you work out to see results. Good luck!
  • iamlegion714
    iamlegion714 Posts: 50 Member
    how much does $400 dollars weigh? you would be guaranteed to lose that a month...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    So I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and have been going 3x a week, burning an average of 1400 (on spinning class days) to 800 on my own w/the arc training and some free weights. Pretty proud of myself and happy to see how much I can actually sweat. So with a new gym membership comes a free consultation with a personal trainer. it's free.. what the heck. basically she told me that w/out one on one training I will never see results or meet my goals. She said working out will make me feel great and that's about all unless I have a game plan and follow the watchful eye of a trainer 2 to 3x a week.
    for $400+ a month.. I do not think so. If I had money to burn.. sure... but totally not in my budget.
    What do you think? Is she right? .. any advise ? (I'd like to loose a good 15 lbs).
    As a PT myself this is full of BS. Scare tactics like this is an unprofessional way to conduct business. You know how I get my clients? When others see the results my other clients are getting, I get asked to train them. You can get lots of free advice on the internet and here. The only thing you won't get is the physical pushing and encouragement while working out and the observation to see if your form is correct. Prove her wrong.