Hi Everyone! Newbie here :)

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am 35, married with a 2 year old son. I weigh 222 and I would like to get down to 140. Feeling out of shape after I dug out an old Denise Austin Pilates video that used to be "easy" and I could barely hold each move for more than a few seconds. So sad. I have a long road to walk but I am committed to doing this. If anyone is needing an accountability partner, I am ready for one! Drop me a message! I would love for anyone to tell me what is working for them! All ears!


  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Howdy - I'm new here myself, but could use some accountability partners myself! I hate when things that used to be easy are suddenly so challenging...I also hate it when my pants from last season no longer button easily! There are so many reasons to start this journey! Welcome!
  • sarkfollower
    I hear you! I am really needing to drop some weight and really don't want to ride the Atkins train again. It works- 50 lbs in 6 months... but not healthy! So I am calorie counting and exercising now. We have a treadmill and I try to get 45 minutes in on an average of 3.3 with between a 2 and 6 incline. It burns about 350 calories. I have a two year old so I try to fit it in during his naps... in fact, I should be down there now. Better get my butt in gear! How are you doing today? Fitting in any exercise? What do you do that is working well? Dinner ideas? I just made some chicken tacos last night- lower in carb and about 220 cals for two tacos- not bad!
  • jcp71511
    Hi! I'm new here too. Just had my first child in July, his name is Joey. I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, 217, but I want to be at 160 by springtime. I'm buying a treadmill today! I am so excited. We can motivate each other to go get on them every chance we get!! Feel free to add me :-) Good Luck!!