Help! It seems the scale has stopped moving.

So I've lost 27 pounds in less than 2 months. I am super excited about my weight loss. My problem is the last 3 weeks the scale doesn't seem to be moving down. It seems like no matter what I eat or how much or little I exercise I am staying at practically the same weight give or take a half pound. Have I reached the dreaded plateau? I have my goals set to lose 2 pounds a week and I am on a 1200 calorie plan. Most days I am right on target. Maybe once a week I will go over. I am considering changing my goal to lose less weight per week in hopes of tricking my body. Any suggestions? I want to get the scale moving again.


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    27 pounds in less than 2 months is amazing...but its quite possible your body needs some time to rebel. as you suggested, changing things up might help. your body might need more calories to keep the metabolism fires burning.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Sounds like it.

    This is something where everyone differs. Everyone has their own way to breaking through.

    Some suggestions:

    1) Eat more.

    2) Eat less.

    3) Do something new for exercise, using different muscles.

    4) Do a lot more exercise.

    5) Stop all exercise for a few days.

    All of these have worked with various people in the past, including myself :)
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    I zig zag around. I don't ever stay at one perticular count any day of the week. I sometimes eat around 1600 & others I am closer to 1200. I find that by not eating the same exact amount everyday, I don't stay in a plateau for very long.

    I have also found that not deinking enough water has an effect on me to. I try to make sure I am drinking at least 8-10 cups of water a day. I find if I am not making frequent enough trips to the bathroom, that I am not drinking enough therefor I usually don't loose much that week.

    Also now that you have lost a good bit your body might just be slowing down on the weight loss. I know that when I first started I lost alot faster than I am now. I would loose between 4-6lbs a week for the 1st 2 months, now I loose somewhere between 1- 1.5lbs a week, if that. Some weeks I only make .5lbs.

    Also make sure that you're netting 1200 cals, not just putting in 1200, exspecially if you're excersizing. You may need to eat back some of your excersize cals. But you really need to at least net 1200. :)