Something is telling me that now is the time to make a chang

I've Been heavy all my life but slowly started gaining as I got older. My wife was recently in the hospital for six months and while trying to be there for her and maintaining my job I gained about 50 lbs plus due to too much fast food. I ate more fast food in that 6 months than I had in 6 years. Prior to that my wife and I ate fairly healthy with the exception of going to restaurants a few times a month. My biggest problem is lack of exercise and having a desk job. My last physical was in April and I have somehow always avoided the usual health problems so far. No high cholesterol, no diabetes, blood pressure a little on the high side but not to the point where the doctor expressed concern. That all sounds great but I know in my head that something is right around the corner if I don't do something now. Besides all of that I am tired of being limited on what I can do and where I can go. Plus I just feel like crap.

I am currently 444 lbs. This is by far the heaviest I have ever been. My wife and I are going to renew our vows for our 10 year anniversary in May 2012 and I would love to be down to at least 300 by then. It seems like a daunting task but I really want to accomplish this now. I just bought new bikes for my wife and I and hope that we will use them often. For me the hardest part is the exercise. At this weight it is very difficult. I have started by riding a stationary bike and some circuit training on my weight machine. I feel like the diet is the easier part for me. I am also using Cardio Trainer on my Android phone and am getting the heart rate monitor to go with it. I am hoping that it will provide a good incentive to keep going.

Well wish me luck!


  • melolsen1976
    melolsen1976 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck to you! I love this site because we can support one another as we do this.
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi and welcome you came to the right place for that and more we all have a reason for being here its one im glad I found good luck on your journey you can do it
  • You can do it!
  • GoodbyeGut
    GoodbyeGut Posts: 40 Member
    You're probably gonna need an Asian for that :-)

    But seriously...big goal you have there, go for it.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    What a fantastic goal you have. My husband has asked me to renew our wedding vows in the past and I have always put it off because of my weight.

    Every day that you exercise gets easier, so just keep on working at it and you will both feel the benefits really soon.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    great incentive! I also put on a lot of weight when my son was seriously ill last year, the sitting around waiting etc. plus the boredom. Well anyway, making good choices every day, and using this site, how can you not win!!!!?

  • I had gotten heavy like that also due to some bad times in the military and than I worked a job before I moved from Alabama to here that I would start around 3 am and go to about 10 pm alot of days. Then we got into a really huge job and some days I would leave on Sunday morning and come home Wednesday night. Once my body gave up my mind did too. I fell into such a deep depression that I didn't care if I lived or died. It took my grandchildren and the love of a great wife to get me to seak help. And then the people at the VA were great to me and after many, many, hours of setting through group sessions I got my head screwed back on straight. Since it has been a steady job just getting healthy again. Between the gym and the diet and the doctors one way or another I plan to live to a ripe old age. You can do this and don't ever let antone tell you you can't. You do it your way and stick to it. Alot of other people tried to tell me how to lose weight when I started my diet and they are now trying to get me to tell them mine because they have fallen way behind. The thing is you just have to want it, and from what I hear you do. Good luck and keep posting your progress.
  • louisd
    louisd Posts: 3 Member
    I had gotten heavy like that also due to some bad times in the military and than I worked a job before I moved from Alabama to here that I would start around 3 am and go to about 10 pm alot of days. Then we got into a really huge job and some days I would leave on Sunday morning and come home Wednesday night. Once my body gave up my mind did too. I fell into such a deep depression that I didn't care if I lived or died. It took my grandchildren and the love of a great wife to get me to seak help. And then the people at the VA were great to me and after many, many, hours of setting through group sessions I got my head screwed back on straight. Since it has been a steady job just getting healthy again. Between the gym and the diet and the doctors one way or another I plan to live to a ripe old age. You can do this and don't ever let antone tell you you can't. You do it your way and stick to it. Alot of other people tried to tell me how to lose weight when I started my diet and they are now trying to get me to tell them mine because they have fallen way behind. The thing is you just have to want it, and from what I hear you do. Good luck and keep posting your progress.

    Glad to hear that you got through that rough time. Too often we focus on what we think is important and then wind up finding that we have neglected what is truely important. I was also focused on my career and money but had no time for me. I was laid off during right before my wife got out of the hospital but realize that it was a blessing. I was able to be there to take care of her during her recovery at home. Due to the lack of jobs out there I decided that this was a great time to accomplish one of my dreams to start my own business I started working on that a few months ago and am almost ready to bring on some clients. I also decided it was time to get off my butt and do something about my weight. My schedule used to always hold me back but now I make my own schedule...excuse gone! I just wish I had opened my eyes earlier and started 5 or 6 months ago. The past is the past, focus on the future.