recently diagnosed with PCOS

agb17 Posts: 10
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
would love to hear from anyone sharing PCOS....this is all new to me. while i am happy to finally have a diagnosis for what is "wrong" with me, i am now modivated to get this under control and try to get back to a more "normal" ME....which includes shedding this weight. i feel like finally some light at the end of this long tunnel. would love to hear some advice good or bad from anyone about PCOS :) thank you


  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Welcome to MFP. Sorry but I am not familiar with PCOS at all. Good luck getting things under control and returning to your "normal" self. I'm sure there are some friendly people around the forums who know what you are going through.

    Edit: Just came across this thread that you might be interested in.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    If you search the forums for PCOS you'll see several threads on it. It manifests itself differently in different people. I have the kind that will never go away, had symptoms from the age of 6, and was often misdiagnosed. Others may be able to get rid of it by losing weight.
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My BFF has PCOS and has gained a bunch of weight too. She just underwent her first invitro fertilization and we are praying for her! Best of luck to you. I am also a nurse and know a little bit about from a medical perspective. Feel free to friend me, I'd love to hear how you do on your journey
  • I was diagnosed back in April of 2009. Like you, I was finally glad to find out what was wrong with me. I'm insulin resistant PCOS so my doctor put me on medication (Metformin). After struggling my whole life to lose weight, I was finally able to! Before medication I would work out, log calories and GAIN weight.

    With Metformin, diet, and exercise I was able to go from 272 pounds to 183 pounds. Achieved my goal of getting pregnant. I had my baby girl in July and I'm ready to continue/finish my weightloss! Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!
  • Hey i have endometriosis. I know it isnt PCOS but one of the symptoms is also weight gain so i know how your feeling. Hope everything is settling down now it feels great once you know whats wrong! Good Luck!!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    The site is loaded with women struggling with PCOS - including me. Friend me if you'd like.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I have PCOS but without any fertility problems. I lost weight really slowly (17 pounds in 9 months) So stick with it!!!! Some of those with PCOS do really well with low carb diet.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    That's what I felt like!!! And that is the right outlook to have! I was diagnosed a long time ago (2003 or so) and lost weight. I began at 225 with all the symptoms and am now 147 with barely any. Exercise, eating right, and (for me) birth control worked. Makes a HUGE difference! Good luck to you!!! If I can do it, so can you, and I promise it will be life changing!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    If you search the forums for PCOS you'll see several threads on it. It manifests itself differently in different people. I have the kind that will never go away, had symptoms from the age of 6, and was often misdiagnosed. Others may be able to get rid of it by losing weight.

    no one can get "rid" of it symptoms may become dormant but it is not gone
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    i was on metformin for about 7-8months lost alot of weight helped control my appetite and regain periods without birthcontrol im now off the metformin because i dont need it anymore and have still been getting periods normally (first time in my life) feel free to add me or ask any questions most of us are willing to help i really find it rude to the person who commented saying to search the threads yes searching the threads is nice for research but when you post as you have done you make friends and its more direct :) anyway goodluck and again feel free to add me
  • jlikennedy3
    jlikennedy3 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been dealing with the symptons of PCOS for at least 10 years. I don't know what side effects you have experienced yet, but the good news is that it is over when you finally get to menapause... bad new is that if you are like me that is still 20 years away. All the research that I have done says it can be maintain by weight control, but they really don't tell you how to do that when your body is fighting against you. It is a tough fight, but you can win! I know I will never look like a supermodel, but if I am happy with myself and my body then who cares what everyone else thinks. Plus, I know that God is bigger than any diagnosis that a doctor will give me. When I found out 10 years ago, they told me it would be very difficult to have children. I am a proud mom of two boys, ages 7 and 1!
  • agb17
    agb17 Posts: 10
    thank you all for the feed back....I will be friend requesting :) I feel like this is the first time in a long time that I have some motivation, even if it takes a while I am more determined than ever before. my endocrinologist is wonderful & spent 45 mintues talking w/ me & answering my questions but I think hearing it from someone that is actually living with this DX is beneficial in a different kind of way....WELL HERE I GO & AGAIN THANK YOU ALL :)
  • Pcos affects 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 at childbearing age. this can lead to heart disease, obesity, and excess hair on the body. and can affect you at ANY age in life!! PCOS is a EVERYDAY struggle for many women!! YOU NEVER know who the faces of PCOS are,

    This disease is worsened by the excess weight conspires against them in this quest, making weight loss more difficult than usual.

    I have a friend who was diagnosed several years ago, so I already knew a little bit about it. The only way she's been able to lose weight in the past is with a healthy diet lower in carbs. I can also tell you what else she does to help her if you like that works.

    For some calorie free tips and food for thought feel free to friend me each of you! ;) Colleen:love:
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I have PCOS. I was diagnosed in 2001. It definitely makes losing weight more of a challenge. Welcome to the site. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    I also got diagnosed with PCOS about 2years ago...welcome and feel free to add me!!!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    I was diagnosed in June. Feel free to add me as well.
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    I was diagnosed in June. Feel free to add me.
  • lauraandmonsters
    lauraandmonsters Posts: 29 Member
    I have pcos. I can't carry a baby to term anymore, and had endless periods. Sucked. Then I decided to lose the weight, no matter what. I have lost almost 50lbs, and now have a almost normal period, every 24 daysish. I still can't get pregnant, but we adopted three babies through foster care, so my heart is healed:) It is harder to lose the weight. It takes longer. Ya have to work harder. At least you know what you're fighting against. It can be done!
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    I've had PCOS since puberty, so I've had it now 30 years. Never "goes away" and it can be beyond challenging, but it IS manageable.... you just have to figure out what your particular body needs, and having a supportive medical team helps. My godsend has been exercise, Spironolactone and natural progesterone cream. I almost function like a normal girl...*almost*:wink: Feel free to add me, and good luck on your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • JHippler
    JHippler Posts: 2 Member
    I have PCOS as well and know exactly how all of you feel. I had my first baby when I was 21 (shes 14 now) Then I guess when I was 27 or so the doctor I had at that time told me I had PCOS and put me on the pill to regulate me. Anyway when I turned 30 I was having regular perionds so I got off the pill figured I never have more kids got remarried and just stayed a size 18. When I turned 33 my husband and I had a few issues and I lost a ton of weight I want to say it was about 50-60 pounds I had stopped weighing myself for a while but In about 8 months I went from a size 18 to a size 8/9 I weighed 165 pounds the day I packed my scale and moved to another state. We were making a fresh start and he was transfered. Then 2 months after I turned 34 I became pregnant. I couldnt hardly gain weight I was sick all the time. After I had my son I was rehospitalized and couldnt eat or drink a thing. So when I came home a week later I weighed 158 pounds. I was sick. Well aparently my hormones were soooo out of whack that I gained weight like crazy, Had no periods, and had the annoying symptoms that go along with PCOS come back with a vengence. The Doctor I had now gave my Provera to make me have periods I have only had 5 in 11 months, and advised me to lose the weight. As my son is almost a year old now and I am weighing in at 204 this morning I feel soooo depressed. I have a whole closet full of clothes that I cant wear and I really just want to have one more child before I get any older. I know weight loss is the key but sometime I just feel sooo alone. I am also worried that my daughter may have to deal with this same problem.. Thanks for listening to me vent...
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