Hello, from northen Canada!

I'm kinda new-ish, I joined early September. I just wanted to formally introduce myself. My names Kayla and I'm from Northern Ontario in Canada. I'm 21 and I have a gorgeous 15 month old daughter... even though I'm doing this for myself, she's my motivation. I started my lifestyle change the same day I decided to join this website. I guess I just got tired of, well, being tired.

So, hi! :happy:


  • pattynava
    Hello From Kentucky =0) Welcome...and good luck
  • Kyloo21
    Ty, good luck to you too. :)
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    Hi Kayla and welcome. Where abouts is Hearst? I used to live in Sudbury...Brrrrrr! A great mining town..I live in the south now, (Ontario), but I still love it up north. Things have really changed in Sudbury since I've lived there. It's a city now.
  • Kyloo21
    Hi Kayla and welcome. Where abouts is Hearst? I used to live in Sudbury...Brrrrrr! A great mining town..I live in the south now, (Ontario), but I still love it up north. Things have really changed in Sudbury since I've lived there. It's a city now.

    Most of my fam is from Sudbury/Timmins. Hearst is about 6 hours north of Sudbury, so yes brrr indeed. Haha

    The town I live at right is all about forestry and lumber. Only 6000 people, boring!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    NFL football rules!
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Hello from Southwester Ontario, Canada! Nice to see some other Canucks on here!!!! Welcome to one of the best journeys of your life! If it wasn't for my MFP friends I don't think I could do this!!!!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Welcome fellow canuck! Best of luck on your journey.
  • franny27
    franny27 Posts: 11 Member
    welcome.good luck hope u accomplish ur goal. :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    NorthWestern Ontario.....went from +31 to snowing within 2 days.

    Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.
  • Kyloo21
    Ty everyone for the wishes. I have a LONG way to go. I started at 359lbs (I'm ashamed really). Now at 340. So I still have a good 200 lbs to go.
  • Kyloo21
    NorthWestern Ontario.....went from +31 to snowing within 2 days.

    Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.

    Haha, it does that here too. It snowed this morning now it's raining and muggy?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    NorthWestern Ontario.....went from +31 to snowing within 2 days.

    Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.

    Haha, it does that here too. It snowed this morning now it's raining and muggy?

    Ya, we had snow/sun on and off that day (last week)

    otherwise it's been rainy/cold and cloudy since then.

    Which reminds me how much I hate winter.