
hi ive been on MFP for about a couple months now and i realized i would love some motivational people to add as friends soooo if ur a active member on MFP please add me the more the merrier !!!!!!


  • FurryandGrowly
    FurryandGrowly Posts: 8 Member
    Tell us a bit about yourself. Goals, frustrations, challenges?
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    What Bob said....
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    well i have currently hit my 60 lbs weight loss i currently want to lose about 15 more i want to ultimately hit a healthy BMI range . my biggest issue honestly right now is im slowly lacking motivational im really having to force myself to get my workouts done lately im sure its just a mind thing since i know i am getting so close to my first goal weight which is only 7 lbs away and i recently hit a plateau im trying to work my way out of . i am currently doing 30 day shred with light weights and i recently added a kickboxing dvd to the mix just to do something different
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    well i have currently hit my 60 lbs weight loss i currently want to lose about 15 more i want to ultimately hit a healthy BMI range . my biggest issue honestly right now is im slowly lacking motivational im really having to force myself to get my workouts done lately im sure its just a mind thing since i know i am getting so close to my first goal weight which is only 7 lbs away and i recently hit a plateau im trying to work my way out of . i am currently doing 30 day shred with light weights and i recently added a kickboxing dvd to the mix just to do something different

    not much different from where I was a few weeks ago....having then lost quite a bit of weight, hearing how great I was looking, feeling much better and while I sure wasn't ready to pack up my toys and go home....I could feel the complacency creep interfering with my motivation. I had the "eh, I'm doing well; it will come off eventually so eating an oatmeal raisin cookie today won't be so bad". Having been through this stage in 2005 and now realizing what was going on, I kicked the complacency creep to the curb last week and have been back on my mission with a rock solid mindset again.
  • deloys
    deloys Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Emily,
    I've been on MFP for a couple of months and have come to the same conclusion. I've been hit & miss with reporting my meals and exercise and I want to get better with this. I haven't lost any weight, it just continues to climb. Pretty frustrating. So here is my start with checking in on others and I hope others will check in on me. Thanks ~ Deloys