
BrieIsLosingIt Posts: 4 Member
None of my foods are saving to “my foods” so I am typing the same things over and over, for example with the pasta bake we had yesterday and today. I just love typing in 8 ingredients and servings twice. Except I don’t. Please help.

Best Answer

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,282 Member
    Answer ✓
    You can copy meals from one day to the next, in the app certainly: tap on the three dots.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    edited October 2022
    When trying to add new foods to the database, I have to refresh a couple times before the food will be available in the "search/add food" list. It just takes a couple minutes.

    The other thing is that you can create a Recipe or a Meal, and save it for future use.

    Recipes have to be created on the "Recipe" tab, but meals you can just save common combinations of foods and name them, like, "Cheese Pasta Bake."

    It just takes practice and repetitive use of this site to figure out how things work and what works best for you. I really like Meals, I rarely use Recipes.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    Eight separate ingredients won't go into the "my foods" list as a single food. That's only for database entries you create or edit, and they list individually.

    You should either use the recipe function (my preference for what sounds like a casserole) or the meal function. If you've already entered the ingredients once in your diary, you can go to that meal and save it as a meal. If you ate other things with it that you don't want included in the saved meal, you can edit the meal after you save it (my preference for doing that is to go a blank meal in the future, log the saved meal, make any changes, and save the meal again with the same name you used previously, but I believe it's possible to edit a meal directly without saving it).
  • BrieIsLosingIt
    BrieIsLosingIt Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all! I wish I could choose (for example) 2 of the 5 foods to move to another day. The only way I can find to do this is to either add the 2 by searching again for that food, or to “copy” all 5 foods to the new day and delete 3 of them. Quite silly we can’t individually copy each food item.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Thank you all! I wish I could choose (for example) 2 of the 5 foods to move to another day. The only way I can find to do this is to either add the 2 by searching again for that food, or to “copy” all 5 foods to the new day and delete 3 of them. Quite silly we can’t individually copy each food item.

    The foods you ate recently will be in your "Recents" food list, or even in the "Frequent" list. Those are right below the Search box when you click "Add Food" from your FOOD page. It's really simple. Got to FOOD, pick the meal, click "Add Food" and look through the list right on that page before typing anything. You'll find yesterday's foods right at the very top, and all the other foods you've eaten recently right below that.
  • delillolauren
    delillolauren Posts: 35 Member
    I was having the hardest time yesterday prelogging my meals for today, they just weren’t showing up. I deleted the app and then logged back in and all the food showed up on yesterdays list. I had 3000 calories worth of turkey and cheese lettuce wraps, which give you an idea of how many times I tried logging.
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