Tabitha-Just Getting started

Hi everyone!! I am Tabitha and just getting stated today. Everyone says that you must be very serious about losing weight and getting healthy before you will ever be successful. Well about a week ago this happened to me, I woke up one morning and realized I hated everything about my body, I have been overweight for a while and just made excuses. I dread getting dressed in the mornings because nothing fits or looks right. So here I am, making a change in my life. FOR GOOD! I have 75 pounds to lose. I am very eager to get started. So please leave your tips or comments, I can use them!! thanks!!!


  • BigBadVooDooBob
    My biggest tip is to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Healthy weight loss takes time. There are lots of people on this site that will support you on your journey, give you tons of encouragement and helpful hints as you go along. We are young and old, short and tall, from the U.S. and other points around the world. Goos luck, and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tinamariebarton
    tinamariebarton Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Tabitha, I know exactly where you are coming from. This site is great for support and motivation and the tools on here are brilliant. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)

  • SarahBear9708
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me if you'd like a new friend :)
  • tabithap07
    tabithap07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone! thank you for your encouraging words! I added you all as friends so lets get to it!! I will need tips and motivation along the way im sure. and i will provide the same for everyone else!! (: