2 questions! Help!!

My first question is, I always, always, always get really hungry at night no matter how filling my dinner is. What are some good things to do to curb those cravings? I do so well during the day, but then I become ravenous at night and I'm trying so hard to lose weight!!

My second question is, and I don't know if this belongs here or not, but I have an overactive bladder and with all the water I've been drinking, I can't stay out of the bathroom!! I was up 5 times between 11:30pm and 6:15am last night because I had to pee! Does anyone else deal with this because of all the water you drink? Is there anyway to still get enough water and stay hydrated, yet keep out of the bathroom?

I'm new to all of this, so I'm kinda of clueless right now!! :blushing:


  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    My first question is, I always, always, always get really hungry at night no matter how filling my dinner is. What are some good things to do to curb those cravings? I do so well during the day, but then I become ravenous at night and I'm trying so hard to lose weight!!

    My second question is, and I don't know if this belongs here or not, but I have an overactive bladder and with all the water I've been drinking, I can't stay out of the bathroom!! I was up 5 times between 11:30pm and 6:15am last night because I had to pee! Does anyone else deal with this because of all the water you drink? Is there anyway to still get enough water and stay hydrated, yet keep out of the bathroom?

    I'm new to all of this, so I'm kinda of clueless right now!! :blushing:
  • gilly88
    gilly88 Posts: 114
    peeing 5 times a night isn't normal i don't think! that can be a sign of diabetes, just be careful!
    i get hungry at night too, dont know what the solution is....!??
  • fatguynlilcoat
    Q1: Well, one thing you can do is try to stay away from artificial sweeteners. This especially means Diet Soda. The side effects are that it makes you think you're always hungry, even though your body is full and content. Also, add more fiber to your diet. Fiber makes you feel fuller longer. You should be getting AT LEAST 25g per day. If you increase your fiber, make sure you increase your water intake also.

    What sort of stuff are you eating through the day?

    Q2: Have you talked with a doctor about this?

    Also, Welcome to the site!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    How late are you drinking water?
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    Thanks guys!

    Yes, my doctors all know about my overactive bladder and I've actually been diagnosed with it. I have a chronic pain condition and I'm also monitored closely for diabetes because it runs heavily in my family. I know I need to drink lots of water, but sometimes I hate it because I pee so much!! It's like a catch-22, ey?

    I'll try the more fiber thing to see if that helps as well. I take a fiber supplement daily to combat issues with some of my medication as well. I just feel like I'm going to fall off the bandwagon because I hate starving at night!!
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    How late are you drinking water?

    I take all my medication between 9 and 10pm nightly, so I'm drinking water then, but I try to not drink large amounts after 7pm or so.
  • accupulse
    I also get hungry at night. I always try and relax with a little tv after the kids go to bed. As soon as I sit down to watch I always get hungry. It's probably just a habit of eating when Im bored. I found that eating a handful of peanuts actually takes my hunger away as long as you can wait that 15 minutes after eating them for it to digest.

    I also started to drink a lot more water. I'm constantly going to the bathroom. If I happen to wake up at night I always have to go. I have had nights where I didnt sleep well and I was constantly going to the bathroom becuase I woke up. I've heard it's not a big deal. It does help to stop drinking your water so close to bed time. Try drinking it in the mornings and mid afternoon.

    just my $.02
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    You look pretty young for truly an overactive bladder, more common in older women, but possible of course after multiple births. maybe limit the water drinking after dinner. try eating more veggies at dinner to keep you full longer!!
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    You look pretty young for truly an overactive bladder, more common in older women, but possible of course after multiple births. maybe limit the water drinking after dinner. try eating more veggies at dinner to keep you full longer!!

    I am young to have an overactive bladder. I'm 22, will be 23 in May. Nobody can answer why I have it either, which really sucks! I'm going to try to really up my veggies at dinner and see if that helps me stay full!

    Thanks everyone!
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    :frown: Are you taking Detrol?? I unforunately have to take that as well :grumble: . My doctor also advised using miralax which works wonders. i really have to limit my fluid intake and limits foods/drinks that irritate may bladder. have you googled these items and tried to avoid them??
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    Right now I'm not taking Detrol. I really didn't want to add yet another medication to the small pharmacy I already take, so we're trying to control it with diet. I've never heard of using Miralax to help though! How does that work? I have a huge list of foods to avoid to help with the bladder irritation, but he said it could take about 4 weeks to work. :grumble:
  • fatguynlilcoat
    Thanks guys!

    Yes, my doctors all know about my overactive bladder and I've actually been diagnosed with it. I have a chronic pain condition and I'm also monitored closely for diabetes because it runs heavily in my family. I know I need to drink lots of water, but sometimes I hate it because I pee so much!! It's like a catch-22, ey?

    I'll try the more fiber thing to see if that helps as well. I take a fiber supplement daily to combat issues with some of my medication as well. I just feel like I'm going to fall off the bandwagon because I hate starving at night!!

    Be careful and don't take too much fiber, though. I was reading up on this a few days ago and you might want to stay under the 50g mark. Having too much fiber and not enough water can cause constipation, and there are some extreme cases with people upping their fiber so much that surgery is involved. Of course that is extreme.

    You might also want to try to eat your dinner earlier in the day, giving your body some time to digest and get rid of those fluids before you go to bed.

    Do you find yourself more bored after dinner? If you are having a lot of down time then and start feeling hungry, it may be your brain looking for something to do. Maybe work on a hobby or read a book before bed might get your brain off the food.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    If you have the health coverage, try finding a urogynecologist in your area, that makes a world of difference between your pcp and a general gyn/ob. i see a specialist in pittsburgh where i live, i had a cystoscope to determine an atrophied bladder, go figure. anyways, i always believe in second opinions, i have worked in health care for 20 years.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    It can take awhile to settle down your bladder. sounds like you've been educated on the foods. good luck at feeling better, hopefully you can get it under control.
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    I always get hungry at night as well, I have found that it is a good time to jump on the bike for 20 more minutes...it will usually go away. Try a piece of extra gum, it's only 5 calories, and it is sweet as well. I started drinking the 8 glasses of water a day, and had to go every hour and a half. I found that sipping throughout the day helps, and if you get your water in earlier in the day, it helps too. Frequent urination can be a sign of diabetes, but more than likely it is due to your increased water intake. Best to you!!

  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    Thanks guys!

    Yes, my doctors all know about my overactive bladder and I've actually been diagnosed with it. I have a chronic pain condition and I'm also monitored closely for diabetes because it runs heavily in my family. I know I need to drink lots of water, but sometimes I hate it because I pee so much!! It's like a catch-22, ey?

    I'll try the more fiber thing to see if that helps as well. I take a fiber supplement daily to combat issues with some of my medication as well. I just feel like I'm going to fall off the bandwagon because I hate starving at night!!

    Be careful and don't take too much fiber, though. I was reading up on this a few days ago and you might want to stay under the 50g mark. Having too much fiber and not enough water can cause constipation, and there are some extreme cases with people upping their fiber so much that surgery is involved. Of course that is extreme.

    You might also want to try to eat your dinner earlier in the day, giving your body some time to digest and get rid of those fluids before you go to bed.

    Do you find yourself more bored after dinner? If you are having a lot of down time then and start feeling hungry, it may be your brain looking for something to do. Maybe work on a hobby or read a book before bed might get your brain off the food.

    Oh yea, I know to watch my fiber. I take a supplement per doctors orders.

    I usually eat dinner by 5:30 at the latest because my daughters go to bed between 7 & 7:30 and we have a nightly routine after dinner.

    I don't usually get too bored at night because I'm usually working on my school work. However, I find if I get frustrated with it, I do tend to eat then.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    You mentioned a chronic pain condition, do you take neurontin?
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    No, I don't take Neurontin, but I do take Lyrica.
  • Jess62889
    Jess62889 Posts: 15
    My bladder is like the size of a peanut and I drank so much yesterday and i peed like 20 tmes at work in a 6 hour period of time. I know how you feel there, no worries though...just cut yourself off earlier:) i just deal with the waking up every hour on the hour to pee haha

    also at night try a handful of nuts and a glass of juice or milk, should help your cravings. i also chew a piece of strawberry banana gum by extra and that actually works for me. sounds silly i know

    :drinker: hope i helped a little.