Drop 40 lbs

Hey there I’m Jay and I’m new here. Need some tips and strategies. Want to drop 40lbs.


  • joemil47
    joemil47 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Jay, I’m Joe. I am trying to lose 40 pounds as well. I have to relearn how to prepare healthy meals. I will try to share anything I find to make this journey a little easier.

  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    Hi Jay, 40lb goal works for me.
  • justynaszm
    justynaszm Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Justyna and I also have some pounds to loose. Maybe not 40, but around 20 now.
    I've alredy lost around 10 lb.
    10 years ago I was in my best shape, and it was also because I was loosing the weight with myfitnesspal. And while I look at the past I think that the best way is to count calories whatever you eat. Just to this and some exercise and believe me you can make your dreams come true. Eat what you like. change some bad habbits into a good ones. E.g. eliminate sweets, crisps, but if you really need it, than eat it. And remember to count calories. If you grab one peanut - write it in mfp.
    And eat 5 times a day or more BUT do it regulary. And always use calorie counter.
    Of course, drink water. Exercise. And you all be on the good way.

    This is the way how i lost lb ten years ago and how i loose it now.
    Good luck.
  • GlennMcMillan
    GlennMcMillan Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome to the MyFitnessPal community!