Water intake



  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    I didn’t read all the replies, but the container I’m drinking from matters in how much I drink.

    I won’t drink much water from a cup, or my stainless steel reusable water bottles, but I drink a ton of water out of the lifewater or smart water bottles. They are thick plastic so you can reuse them forever. I just keep them and refill them so I have a bunch in the fridge at all times. If they have the sport cap, I drink even more.

    It’s just a thought!
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 324 Member
    i dont have the drive to drink so i make sure every morning i move the amount of water i have a goal for (2 litres in total) to a special shelf in my fridge and that is how i make sure to drink my allotment. i also make sure to keep the bottle im working on out and visible because it reminds me to pick it up and drink it as its right there in my face. i try to get all my clear water (2 litres) in b4 3 pm else i'll be up all night peeing///but 3 pm seems my 'safe' time for stopping for bedtime. just note that there is no benefit to downing a whole liter of water in 5 mins. drink it slowly. your body cant use it that fast so you'll just end up peeing it away...stick to like 500ml in an hour or more. so go slow throughout the day.
  • Kgilliam22
    Kgilliam22 Posts: 1 Member
    Crystal light (with caffeine) wild strawberry packets -- there is also a walmart brand with the same stuff. This helped me SIGNIFICANTLY when cutting out pop and going towards an "all water" day. I NEEDED THE CAFFEINE!! This will give you the caffeine without as much sugar, sodium, etc. and hey, it's water - - - -
  • 4Phoenix
    4Phoenix Posts: 236 Member
    Geeeezzzz if only....unfortunately no magic wizard wand with fat cells. Water suggestion: Buy inexpensive gallon jugs...keep it with you and drink it! If you need flavor enhancer buy ice tea bags and throw a couple in the jug. If the aesthetics bother you by carting it around, get the measurement jug and use it. Only motivation and action are the true answers, any thing else is strategy, tools, and tips...just do it!😉